Monday, February 27, 2006

The Entrance and other news

Sorry I haven't added much in the way of news lately. What can I say, we have been busy! A couple of weekends ago we had a weekend away up at The Entrance. Just a time to relax and hang out together before the baby comes along and takes away all our free time. They have pelican feeding everyday up there, here's an action shot.

The Pre-Natal classes are almost finished. We have our last one this week. The last couple have been on parenting, which has so far been looking at breast feeding and last week we got to see a real baby being bathed and settled. Fortunately it was a good baby so did all the right things, we can only hope our baby turns out like that!

We've finally got all the bits for the nursery which is a relief. I just have to put up a shelf and it's all done. Next time it's sunny I'll take some pictures and post them here. Getting the stuff on Sunday was a bit of a nightmare, to summarize it's 2:30 we're at Homebush, I have to be at music rehearsal at 3:30 and we've just discovered the arm chair doesn't fit in the back of the 4 wheel drive we have borrowed. Fortunately after some brief panic, a few occy straps and a bit of good ol' fashioned Aussie ingenuity, we managed to get the arm chair home and me to practice on time, not the best preparation for leading a church service - I don't recommend doing it that way to anyone. Thanks to Michael for his patience and help.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

More nursery news

We managed to get the rest of the nursery furniture together without making too many mistakes or resorting to swearing and violence. Now we just have to figure out how to arrange it all. We made a cardboard cut out of the shape of the wardrobe and arm chair and put them in the room to try and get a feel for how it will all fit. After that there was an extended period of mentally moving things around so:
a) they all fit
b) they provide some sort of functionality; and
c) it doesn't look like the baby feeding-changing-sleeping production line that it is.

We both think it is all very cute and are really looking forward to when there is actually a baby to live in it. I think if it was a bit bigger I'd come home from work and find Meeks asleep in the cot.

So only a few things still to do and the nursery will be ready for the little one. Hurray!

Friday, February 03, 2006

The Nursery

We went shopping last night for nursery things. We had already decided to get the cot and a few other things from Ikea, so that wasn't too hard. It's really exciting and fun putting the little things together and thinking about how our little baby is going to sleeping in them, or storing their toys in them, or putting their little clothes in them etc. The only thing we wanted but wasn't in stock was a little wardrobe which is part of the Diktad antique stain collection. We have to go back later to get an arm chair (it wasn't going to fit in our car) so we'll pick up the arm chair in a couple of weeks when the wardrobe is back in stock.

Here is a link to the stuff.

We only had time last night to put together the little toy chest we bought for the babies toys. You would think it would be pretty simple. There were only about 6 pieces and some legs. Unfortunately we got the back and the front upside down and didn't realise until too late so we had to pull the whole thing apart again to put them right. Eventually we got it done :) It's very cute. It has all the little toys that the baby has already accumulated - quite a few given he or she is still a few months away!

So now we have a nursery with a bunch of cardboard boxes and a toy chest in it. I'll post photos when we have assembled the rest - I fear how we will go with the more difficult bits considering how badly we did with the simplest!