Thursday, September 28, 2006

First pair of jeans

Everyone has a favourite pair of jeans. Some people like them when they are new and stiff or just out of the wash and other's like them when they are old and comfy and ripped and faded. Phil and Shaz gave Mitch a pair of jeans and he can finally fit them, so here is Mitch in his first pair of jeans, and isn't he happy!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Our little Family

We went to Tim and Chelsea's wedding on Saturday (Yay for Tim and Chels!) and we got a bit dressed up so Dad took a photo of the three of us. There aren't many photos of all three of us and this one is a nice one so I thought I would put it up.

I did have a tie on at the wedding, but this was after the wedding and before the reception and it was a stinking hot day so the tie came off.

Monday, September 25, 2006

New pictures

We bought Mitch a high chair last week so he can sit up and eat his food better. Over the weekend he had some more yoghurt and apple and pear and he also tried some sweet potato. He loves the yoghurt, but wasn't so sure about the sweet potato. We took some highly amusing video footage which hopefully I'll get up onto the blog soon - the facial expressions are priceless. In the mean time here's a picture of our refined little eater:

We think Mitch is always cute but there are still special moments, like this one:

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

News for the week

Well, it finally happened this morning. I know that every time I pick up Mitch to give him a cuddle and say goodbye in the morning, there is a risk he will express his displeasure at my leaving by using the most potent of his four "How to make Daddy stay at home" weapons. This morning, after 5 months and one day (can you believe he's 5 months old now!) of waiting for it, as I was saying goodbye, he vomited all over my shirt. Fortunately he didn't get my pants. Satisfied he had delayed me, and smiling a lot because it's funny, he went off to sleep like a good boy while I got another shirt and went to work.

In other news Mitch's two bottom teeth are through and very cute. You have to be a bit careful with him now because anything he can grab he puts in his mouth and sucks on it, dribbles on it and if you're lucky he bites as well. My finger tells me his little teeth are quite sharp.

We're gradually trying him on a few solids. So far he's tried avocado (which he liked), plain rice cereal (which he wasn't mad about - no surprise there), rice cereal with pureed peach mixed in (which he liked better), potato (again, fairly dull) and today yoghurt which he was quite keen on as you can see below. In fact when he had finished the bit Meeks had given him (most of which ended up smeared around his mouth) he cried until Meeks gave him some more!

The only other piece of news is that last week he was off his food and we were a bit concerned about him losing weight (not that he's at risk of being too thin), but this week he's back into it which is great.

PS: For those of you who are wondering, his other three weapons are smiling, crying and pooing.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Smiley boy

After the last week when Mitch hasn't been the happiest of boys, what with being sick and getting teeth and having injections, it's nice to see he can still smile. Isn't he beautiful!

Not the greatest quality of photo (what can you expect with a phone camera), but the subject is the cutest! He's on his playmat looking up at mummy. This is what daddy misses when he goes to work.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Another chopper

Mitch actually slept in until 7:30 this morning which was great for mummy and daddy. I was checking his bottom gum this morning to see how his tooth was going and well, now one tooth has become two teeth and he's a much happier little boy. Yesterday he was still not feeding properly though, only drinking half his formula for most feeds which is a bit of a worry. Hopefully that improves today now that both teeth are through. The doctor yesterday suggested making sure he drinks water to keep his fluids up and we have started trying him a few "solids" like rice cereal. He's not thrilled by them and most of it gets pushed out again by his tongue. One of the things the doctor suggested was trying a different brand of formula just for a different taste. I guess if you had to eat the same thing 5 times a day every day for 5 months, you'd probably get sick of it too!

Mitch had more shots yesterday and his second lot of immunisation for rotovirus with is taken orally. So he has bruises on his chunky little legs, poor little boy. Apparently he looked surprised and then bawled with the doctor injected him. Then he was just recovering and they had to do the other leg and he bawled all over again. As Meeks was walking out he did manage to give the doctor a smile though to say, "I forgive you"

Monday, September 11, 2006

Little Chopper

Mitch has been a bit funny recently. He's been waking up at 5am and has been generally a bit disgruntled. He's been a bit off his food and spending a lot of time with his hands in his mouth (which perhaps is not unusual). We thought it was carry over from his cold last week but then Meeks was looking in his mouth this morning and there was the problem. A little tooth was poking through! No wonder the poor little guy was unhappy!

So here we are at less than 5 months and he's already got his first little chopper! Hopefully we'll get a picture of it soon.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Father's Day and a sick little boy

Poor little Mitch is sick again. He was off colour on Saturday morning and ratty all day yesterday and then by last night it had developed into a cold. Fortunately he slept okay last night, but woke up this morning all stuffed up. He is such a trooper though, when I came in to pick him up this morning he was all smiley and happy to say good morning even though he was feeling crappy. Hopefully he'll sleep lots today and be feeling better soon. Meeks was feeling sick, but is feeling mostly better now which is great.

So my first Father's Day was fun, even if Mitch and Meeks weren't feeling great. Mitch and I sat on the couch and watched the Swans win in the AFL on the TV. Add to that I picked the round in the NRL tipping comp!

Unfortunately no pictures today, but there may be some when Dad sends some through.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Rolling and grabbing

It feels like Mitch hasn't done anything "new" for a while and then last night and this morning he did two new things. Firstly he was lying on his tummy on the change table as I put some cream on him and all by himself he rolled from his belly on to his back. I wouldn't say it was a controlled roll ... more of a case of tipping himself over and then wondering what happened. Meeks and I were jumping around and praising him and he just wondered what had happened. Then we put him back on his belly and he did it again. So we put him on a blanket on the ground and he did it again, still not quite knowing what was going on. Meeks ran off to get the video camera. When she came back we put him on his belly again and for about 2 minutes he lay there with his arms propping himself up and head up looking around and his little feet waggling, but no rolling over. Very sute though as dribble came out of his mouth. It was by far the longest he's managed to keep his head up during tummy time so we were still happy even though we didn't catch the rolling on the video camera.

Then this morning, while I was in the shower and Meeks was playing with him, he was lying on his play mat looking up at his friend Mr Lion and instead of reaching up with fists closed or batting Mr Lion about, he reached up and grabbed his little leg and pulled it down .. and put it into his mouth. Clever boy!

It is such a delight to see him learning to do new things and interacting with the world around him a bit more.

We entered a few pictures of him into a Harvey Norman competition for cute kids. We used the Cheeky Monkey photo, a photo of him in the basket and of im on the chaneg table which have all been on this blog. We may be biased but he can't possibly lose! Ah, the blindness of parents! If we win, the prize is $12,000 towards his education. That would be awesome, even if high school is 12 or so years away. The scary thing is that if we send him to a private school, it would cover less than 1 year at somewhere like Barker!