Well, it finally happened this morning. I know that every time I pick up Mitch to give him a cuddle and say goodbye in the morning, there is a risk he will express his displeasure at my leaving by using the most potent of his four "How to make Daddy stay at home" weapons. This morning, after 5 months and one day (can you believe he's 5 months old now!) of waiting for it, as I was saying goodbye, he vomited all over my shirt. Fortunately he didn't get my pants. Satisfied he had delayed me, and smiling a lot because it's funny, he went off to sleep like a good boy while I got another shirt and went to work.
In other news Mitch's two bottom teeth are through and very cute. You have to be a bit careful with him now because anything he can grab he puts in his mouth and sucks on it, dribbles on it and if you're lucky he bites as well. My finger tells me his little teeth are quite sharp.
We're gradually trying him on a few solids. So far he's tried avocado (which he liked), plain rice cereal (which he wasn't mad about - no surprise there), rice cereal with pureed peach mixed in (which he liked better), potato (again, fairly dull) and today yoghurt which he was quite keen on as you can see below. In fact when he had finished the bit Meeks had given him (most of which ended up smeared around his mouth) he cried until Meeks gave him some more!

The only other piece of news is that last week he was off his food and we were a bit concerned about him losing weight (not that he's at risk of being too thin), but this week he's back into it which is great.
PS: For those of you who are wondering, his other three weapons are smiling, crying and pooing.