Monday, November 27, 2006

Weekly news

No new pictures I'm afraid.

Mitch was going through a beautiful phase last week. He was smiling at everybody and was happy and playful. Unfortunately on Friday and Saturday he wasn't feeling the best. We're not quite sure what's wrong, but he was grizzling all Friday afternoon which is very uncharacteristic and was off his food. He woke up quite a few times on Friday night which is also quite uncharacteristic. Saturday night he was a bit better but still woke up a couple of times, but was looking and feeling better Sunday morning.

Then early last night he woke up and I was trying to cuddle him to settle him, but he was crying and squirming and looked really unhappy. I was a bit worried about him, so put him in his cot to go and speak to Meeks. As soon as I put him in his cot, he rolled over and went to sleep! It was me he didn't like! I suppose I should get used to it, one day he's going to be embarrassed by his Mum and Dad and not want to associate with them. Hopefully that will be a long time off yet.

After that incident he again didn't sleep very well, and we had to get up a few times to settle him. He's just not himself at the moment compared to the happy boy last week. Perhaps he's teething again or going through a bit of a growth spurt or something. I'm sure he'll come out of it soon. Until then we just have to give him cuddles ... if that is what he wants!

In other news, the bathroom saga continues. Last week we got a call from the shower screen people saying they were having a problem with the shower screen. Apparently the bit that goes around the bath was too thin and it kept breaking. The result was we had to pick a new frame for the screen. It's a step down from the one we wanted, but right now we'll be happy just to see it finished. The shower screen people have been excellent. Really professional and friendly even with this problem. Free plug to Betta Shower Screens.

Finally, congratulations to our friends Phil and Shaz who had a baby boy on Friday. His name is Owen Thomas and he's very cute.

Monday, November 20, 2006

New video and some pictures

Well another busy weekend, and fortunately we have pretty much done everything we can do in the bathroom. Just the shower screen to go, hooray!

A few weeks ago we bought Mitch a Jolly Jumper. He was a bit apprehensive about it at first, but now he loves it.

Here is a video (it's working now hooray) of Mitch at his swimming lessons. This one is a couple of weeks old, but he is very cute.

Here is a direct link.

In other news Mitch is pretty much sitting up by himself now. He tips over occasionally, mostly on to his face which unfortunately results in lots of tears and needs a cuddle from mummy or daddy. Like his parents he also loves advertising material (some people have the temerity to call it "junk mail" - sheesh!). His appreciation is not so much for the bargains, rather he loves crushing them up and chewing on them. There is hours of fun in one Ezi-Buy catalogue!

Monday, November 13, 2006

A H"U2"ge weekend

What a busy weekend!

On Friday night Meeks and I went and saw U2 at Telstra Stadium. It was an awesome concert. Our tickets were only B Reserve but the view was pretty good anyway.

Many thanks to Phil and Shaz for baby sitting Mitch so we could go.

On Saturday Mitch had his third swimming lesson. He was such a good boy and so very cute.

It's not like it's a lot of exercise, but going swimming just exhausts him. When we got home he slept for 2 hours straight! Normally he doesn't sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time.

The bathroom saga continues. It's almost finished, aside from the shower screen. We're quite happy with the way it turned out, it will be great when it is finally finished though.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Home Again and many thanks

Well we moved home again on Saturday morning. The bathroom is still not quite finished, but it is good enough. We have a working toilet and I had my first shower this morning (incidentally we did shower elsewhere between Saturday morning and this morning in case you were wondering). There is no shower screen yet so water went everywhere, but that will come in time. Brett (Shazzy's brother) the plumber (free plug for Brett Taylor Plumbing) is installing the vanity today and taps for the bath. After that there is just finishing off.

We have to thank a lot of people for their help. Thanks to Lorraine, Michael and Krissy for putting up with us while we were staying at their house and their help with minding Mitch and Michael for his tools and help jack hammering . A huge thank you to Aly for showing Meeks the ropes in tiling and giving her the confidence to do the job. Thanks to Andrew Gore for his building knowledge, trailer and tools. Thanks to Ann C for minding Mitch Saturday morning - sorry he was a nightmare, he was happier the next day.

Hopefully by the end of the week our house will no longer look like a construction site and be safe to walk around without tripping over cut tiles, saws, power cables, buckets, crates, ladders and the dust ... oh the dust!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Mitch's other, other home

Since we've been renovating the bathroom we've been living at Meeks' Mum's house (thank you so much Lorraine, Michael and Krissy). So Mitch's other home has been their place. Mitch has had a third home though and that is:


Isn't he a grown up!

We should be moving back home on Saturday morning (Yay!).

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Weekly news

Well the bathroom renovation continues. We finally got the toilet put back in today. Most of the floor is tiled and part of the walls. There is still a vanity to go in and the tiling around the bath, but we're getting there. Meeks is such a trooper. We'll hopefully be back in on the weekend.

Mitch had his 6 months immunisation on Wednesday. He was such a good boy. He hardly cried at all. Unfortunately he's now got conjunctivitis, poor little guy. Meeks has been to the doctor and got drops for him, but he doesn't really like them, as you might expect.

Mitch had another swimming lesson on the weekend. It was such fun for the three of us. Again he was such a good boy, he didn't cry at all, despite the fact some of the other babies bawled their eyes out the whole time. I'll upload some photos when I get the chance, they're on the video camera. He is so cute in his little swimming costume.

Here's some pictures to keep Mum happy. This is Mitch with Uncle Mike at Uncle Rob's 21st:

And a cute one of him asleep in his car seat: