Thursday, December 28, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Swimming boy
Mitch just loves swimming in the pool/spa. We took some photos of him yesterday.
Thanks for reading about us in what has been a wonderful year for us. Meeks and I have been so happy to be blessed with such a wonderful little boy. He's just the cutest little boy and we love him so much.
Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
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12:26 PM
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Labels: swimming
Monday, December 18, 2006
Mitch on his jolly jumper
Sometimes Mitch just loves his Jolly Jumper other times he's not so thrilled with it and we couldn't really work out why. This afternoon we lowered it a bit and put some foam under his feet and he had a hoot playing on it for ages. Here are some photos:
"Thank you Lord for my Jolly Jumper it's great fun"
"Here we go! Jumpy, jump, jumpy"
"I wonder if I can jump all the way up there"
"Sheesh, this jumping sure is tiring"
After his jumping fun he was exhausted and barely made it through dinner before falling asleep.
In other news the bathroom is finally finished. Yay! the shower screen was install on Friday afternoon and we painted the final bits so it's all finished in time for Christmas.
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8:54 PM
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
Mitch's first Christmas starts early
Meeks and Mitch had their Mother's group Christmas Party this morning. Mitch got to unwrap his Christmas present. I'm sure from here he went on to play with the paper for a while, but he'll enjoy the toy too eventually!
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11:51 AM
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Labels: christmas, mothers group
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Wave to Daddy
Mitch is learning new things so fast. This morning he waved to me by holding his arm out and opening and closing his hand. I called Meeks to see, but he stopped. What a cutie!
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9:47 AM
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Things are happening so quickly
A couple of weeks ago Mitch was what you might call a "blobby" baby. He pretty much lay there and did nothing - well, he could roll over and wriggle around, but not much else. Then last weekend he was getting up onto his knees, then a few days later he was crawling. Towards the end of last week he worked out how to go from lying down to sitting up by himself (which he was very proud of) and then yesterday he worked out how to pull himself up to standing on something (which just happened to be the coffee table at Phil and Shaz's - there were cookies on it - not that he knows what cookies are).
I'm sure that means it's only a few more weeks and he'll be asking for the car keys and telling us old folk not to wait up. Sigh ... I guess I should change the insurance on the car and then get my slippers and blanket.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Little crawler
Meeks and I were standing in the kitchen this morning and Mitch was playing on the carpet. He decided it was time to come and join Mummy and Daddy in the kitchen so with lots of encouragement from us he slowly with intense concentration crawled over to the kitchen. He was so proud of himself and had this huge smile on his face. What a cutie.
The result of his new found mobility is that Meeks has spent the day fishing him out from under the Christmas tree as he crawls over to "explore" the presents.
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4:56 PM
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Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Going mobile
He'd been threatening to do it over the weekend, but Mitch started crawling today. I guess the rules change now. We can't afford to take our eyes off him. Time to make sure those things which were out of his reach are now tied down!
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3:25 PM
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Sunday, December 03, 2006
Beautiful boy
Hi readers.
We've had a weekend of gearing up for Christmas. We've done most of the Christmas shopping including buying Mitch's Christmas present, we've set up the Christmas tree and we've begun setting up the back deck with Christmas lights etc. It's a very festive time.
This morning Mitch got up before 7 which wasn't very nice, but after Daddy had got up and given him some breakfast Mitch went back to bed and slept for 2 hours. Mummy didn't get up until after 10am! It's the longest sleep in she has had since Mitchy was born!
He's very close to crawling at the moment. He gets up on his hands and knees and sort of rocks back and forth, but can't quite get the arms going forward and the legs don't seem to get any purchase on the ground. He's very close though, who knows how long before he's off into the Christmas tree!
Anyway here's a photo of the gorgeous little boy.
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9:47 PM
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