I have some pictures of it at home, but not with me. Mitch was reaching into one of his toy boxes and pulled out a toy and then stood unsupported for about 20-30 seconds whilst playing with it. He did it a few times including one time where he pressed few buttons on his toy mobile phone and then sort of put it to his ear like he had seen mummy and daddy doing. It was very cute.
And some photos finally, they're not great quality as they're taken off the video camera and it was kind of dark:

Mitch adopts a nice wide base of support as he plays with his blocks.
So Mitch has passed another milestone. He still can't get up without help from something, but once he is up he can stand for a little while by himself. He'd done it before for a few seconds, but never for this long. What a clever boy!
This comes at the end of a very trying week for Meeks and I. For most of last week Mitch was a real handful. He was waking up crying during the night (at 11pm and 5am which he generally never does) and grizzling a lot and crying when we put him down for sleeps during the day and then he'd only have really short sleeps and generally wasn't a happy little boy. Then on Friday night he slept through the night, and woke up happy on Saturday morning and went down for his sleeps on time and even slept in on Sunday morning and also this morning. It's like he's a different boy! We don't know if he was teething last week (we can't see or feel any new teeth) or if he was going through a growth spurt, but either way he's returned to his normal happy self and we are very relieved!