Friday, June 29, 2007

Play School Concert

Mitch went to a Play School Concert with Nana and Auntie Krissy yesterday. He loved it, but was a little star struck. Apparently he sat there the whole time staring, mesmerised. Krissy took some photos, but I don't have them and now she's on a plane to the UK. Please send them to us!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Climbing ...

After pulling all of the clothes out of his drawers and pulling all the toys out of his toy box (which he only learned how to open yesterday) and assembling it carefully on the floor, Mitch decided he needed a better vantage point from which to survey the devastation he had created. So he decided it was time to learn how to climb onto the arm chair in his room.

Once his graceful climb was completed he looked out upon his kingdom of messiness, well satisfied with his handiwork.

NB: The astute of you may have noticed a discrepancy between the story told and the sequence of events depicted in the above photos. Aren't you clever ... sometimes it's hard to have the camera handy at the crucial moment so some restaging/reordering of the available footage is required ... they do it all the time in Survivor apparently.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

At the park

Meeks and I were hoping to go to Fagan Park today to look at the international gardens. Unfortunately the car is stuffed again. Crappy transmission. So we're temporarily without a car, until I can pick up the rental tomorrow.

So instead we went to the park in Asquith where we could walk to. It was still fun. Here are some photos.

Last night we had the Blairs over for pizza and games. Mmmm ... PizzaCutters. Then we played Jenga and Pictionary. Sharon "Hands of a Lumberjack" Blair lost the Jenga (nice "jame" Shazzy) and the boys smashed the girls in Pictionary, but overall a really fun night.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Shortest day of the year

Today is the shortest day of the year. Generally, I don't mind the winter - the cool crisp air, warm winter stews, etc. But I'm glad today is the shortest day of the year because I'm a bit sick of getting up in the dark and coming home in the dark. On the other hand today is not all bad, it's my Mum's birthday. Happy birthday Mum.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

At Mum and Dad's with the family

Last Saturday we had a lunch at Mum and Dad's to celebrate my birthday. Mitch and Cousin Lilly got to play together.

And one final one of Mitch:

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A couple of bits of news

I forgot there are a couple of bits of news.

We have been putting Mitch to bed with his teddy lately and yesterday Meeks put him to bed without teddy who was sitting on the trunk opposite his bed. Mitch stood up at the bars of his cot and pointed to teddy and then when Meeks got him he lay down again, giving teddy a cuddle. A beautiful moment.

Last night, after his bath, we put Mitch in his little sleep suit which is dark blue and has stars all over it. Mitch very clearly pointed to the stars on his arm and said "Darr!". Very cute.

New Banner

I thought I'd make a new banner for the blog (that is the picture at the top in case you hadn't noticed something had changed). What do you think? Better than boring old text if you ask me. What do you think? Leave a comment!

I might start adding labels as well. They make it easier to search the site later one and we don't have to remember when we posted a picture or milestone.

Apart from a new banner, no new news or pictures. Sorry! I did take some on the weekend but haven't had a chance to go through them yet. Maybe tomorrow on my day off.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Getting older ...

I aged another year yesterday, such is the progress of time. I don't feel any older though which is always good.

On Wednesday Mitch and I went to the park:

After that we came home did some drawing.

Apparently Meeks used to do the tongue poking out thing when she was concentrating as a little girl.

Mitch is walking more and more now, in fact probably more than half the time. He's still a little unsteady on his feet and it's more of a stagger than a walk but it is very cute.

In other news, Meeks and I have decided it's time for us as a family to start going to the morning service at church. We've been trying to do the evening service thing, but unfortunately it just isn't working out, so starting in a couple of weeks we're going to start going to the morning service. We really wanted to be able to go to church as a family and for Mitch to get used to the pattern of going to church and creche initially and then Sunday school. We've been to the morning service a couple of times and he's been to creche but it is so unfamiliar to him, he gets a little upset. I am also stepping down from the evening service worship team as well (but not for a month or so). Thanks to El, Lachie, Deb, Phil and the bands. It has been a wonderful time sharing in service with you all, and I will miss it. Initially I wont be singing in the morning just to give us a chance to settle in but will probably end up doing that closer to the end of the year. So ends one phase in our life, I guess, and another one starts!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Mitch's creative side

We bought Mitch and easel from Ikea so he could explore his creative side. He only has textas and crayons at the moment. He also has an enormous painters smock which is very cute. Here are some pictures:

As always there is a bit of mess, but thanks to the smock it's only on his fingers:

He knows how to make the diamond from "Twinkle Twinkle". Now that is very, very cute!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Mother's Group 1st Birthday Party Picnic

Today we had a joint 1st Birthday for all the children in Meeks Mothers' Group. It was at Fagan Park in Dural and it was a beautiful warm winter's day.

Meeks and I got there a bit early so Mitch had a chance to play on the play gym by himself.

Then we had some fun on the slide.

When the other's had arrived we had lunch and Meeks made another huge birthday cake.

In other news, the car is repaired and back home again which is great.