I aged another year yesterday, such is the progress of time. I don't feel any older though which is always good.
On Wednesday Mitch and I went to the park:

After that we came home did some drawing.

Apparently Meeks used to do the tongue poking out thing when she was concentrating as a little girl.
Mitch is walking more and more now, in fact probably more than half the time. He's still a little unsteady on his feet and it's more of a stagger than a walk but it is very cute.
In other news, Meeks and I have decided it's time for us as a family to start going to the morning service at church. We've been trying to do the evening service thing, but unfortunately it just isn't working out, so starting in a couple of weeks we're going to start going to the morning service. We really wanted to be able to go to church as a family and for Mitch to get used to the pattern of going to church and creche initially and then Sunday school. We've been to the morning service a couple of times and he's been to creche but it is so unfamiliar to him, he gets a little upset. I am also stepping down from the evening service worship team as well (but not for a month or so). Thanks to El, Lachie, Deb, Phil and the bands. It has been a wonderful time sharing in service with you all, and I will miss it. Initially I wont be singing in the morning just to give us a chance to settle in but will probably end up doing that closer to the end of the year. So ends one phase in our life, I guess, and another one starts!