I have been a bit slack on the posting of late. My apologies!
Mitch is just growing up so fast at the moment. His vocabulary has exploded. He now pretty much repeats everything you say ... well he tries to repeat it. It's very cute. The number of times he says something and Meeks and I look at each other and say, "Did you teach him that?" is amazing - I should just refine that comment to say that he is not saying bad things and we are accusing each other!
His favourite game is "Runny Runny" which is basically chasings around the table on the back deck. He will quite happily run around the table 50 times, every once in a while slowing down and stopping if he thinks we have gone too long without catching him. He runs quite quickly now, certainly faster than a comfortable walking pace, so you are getting some exercise too. In fact he likes playing "Runny, Runny" pretty much anywhere. Give him a open section of a shopping centre and he's off. Nana had to chase him across the outdoor courtyard at Hornsby shops the other day. Quite amusing!
In other news, Meeks and I are going to be running a Marriage Enrichment Course at church over the next 7 weeks. We did the course a few years ago and found it really helpful so we thought we'd try and run it at TCBC. Neil agreed and after quite a while of getting things together, we're starting this week. We have 7 couples attending this first session. Meeks has been amazing with the organisation and preparation. Definitely her gift!
iStockPhoto continues to go well. I've now sold 22 photos and learnt heaps along the way. I took some photos of the Smart children the other night and they came out quite well. I still have a lot to learn!
Not much has changed on the work front, I had a meeting with someone lasst week in which we basically established I was interested in listening to an offer, but that is about all at this stage.