Saturday, May 24, 2008

Farewell to James and Phaik

We had a farewell brunch for James and Phaik this morning because they are returning to the UK tomorrow night. As usual it was a chance for Mitch and Lilly to play together.

We had a bit of fun with the off camera flash as Mike and Rob showed off their best Billy Elliot impressions

Jamie and Phaik are indeed a photogenic couple

"Really, really good looking" you know ...

A couple of Clark family shots:

The we proved something that Jamie had thought all along.

The sun really does shine out of his bum.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Family lunch

Uncle Jamie is home from London for a holiday so we thought we'd have lunch at our place. Ganny and Grand-dad and Uncle Mike and Mandy and Lilly and baby Will also came along. After a delicious lunch the boys and Lilly went to the park. Mitch and Lilly had a wonderful time togather playing and running and rolling down the hill and holding hands.

Mitch and Lilly both had a go in the photo tree:

Mitch had a swing with Uncle Jamie pushing him and had heaps of fun:

After playing in the park we went back and had lamingtons:

What is a Clark family lunch without Grand-dad falling asleep:

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A beautiful autumn day and a cute little boy

It's beautiful autumn day today. The tree out the front has lovely auburn leaves

And Mitchy is just cute :)

You don't need to know I had to bribe Mitchy with a cookie :)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Family outing

Meeks, Mitch and I decided to go on an outing to the city this morning. We started off by driving to Milson's Point and then walking across the bridge. It was a beautiful sunny day and Mitch was full of running. He ran most of the way across the bridge.

Although stopping every once in a while to take in the sights.

After crossing the bridge we walked down to Circular Quay caught a ferry back to Luna Park. Mitch loved it on the "Ferry boat" (as he calls it).

At Luna Park we went on the Ferris Wheel ...

And Mitchy and I went on the carousel

After all that we had a bit of morning tea and enjoyed the view from Bradfield Park under the bridge.

Then it was back home for a very tired little boy (and tired Mummy and Daddy). Mitchy was such a good boy and had lots of fun. Thanks Mummy for such a great idea!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

In the park

Mitch and Meeks and I had a bit of play in the park this afternoon. Here some pictures, what a little cutie.

Mitchy is being very cute at the moment. His language is coming along so well and he has started asking questions like "What doing Daddy?" and "Where you Mummy?".

Friday, May 02, 2008

Unfortunate ... but memorable

Last night the Costa's came over for dinner and to hang out because Jeremy had agreed to model for me for some iStockphoto shots. Kate was just going to watch TV and chat with Meeks. It was the first time I had had anyone model for me so I was a bit nervous about it all. I had planned out the "shoot" and had a running sheet of photos that I wanted to take and had set up the lounge area in our house as the "studio". All was going well, until Jeremy who was sitting on the window sill leant back and managed to crack the glass of the front window with his back side. Huge shards of glass rained down around him and miraculously he didn't even get a scratch. It really was a lucky thing. Some of the shards of glass on the ground outside the window were a foot long and weighed quite a bit. I imagine if one of them had hit him we would have been racing off to hospital rather than searching on the internet for 24 Hour glass replacement. Of course the rest of the shoot was called off!

O'Brien couldn't fix the glass straight away because they were too busy and another company couldn't do it straight away because the glass pane was too big for what they had on the trucks at that time, so we boarded it up with a sheet of ply that the council had left outside Kate and Jeremy's place (don't tell anyone!). This afternoon O'Brien came out and fixed the glass and all is good again. What's more Jeremy has agreed to come back for a second helping tonight to finish the shoot. I've promised not to make him go near any more glass!

Mitchy slept through the whole thing. What a good boy!

The irony of Jeremy breaking a pane of glass with his backside while we were watching The Biggest Loser Finale was not lost on anyone :)

Along with the police visit after shooting the Shell Refinery at Clyde, I'm building a collection of unfortunate but memorable photography related incidents.