Well, that is another Christmas Day finished.
We woke up this morning and Mitch opened his presents with great gusto. He was very into it this year, ripping apart his wrapping and shouting out what he had got. I have never seen so many cars and trucks and helicopters and diggers and forklifts and ... Mitch calls them his "vehicles". He got a bunch of other things as well, but anything with with wheels or claws (dinosaurs) were the stars.
After that it was off to church with Krissy and Glen and the back to Nana and Poppy's house for lunch with Meeks' side of the family (photos to come).
Tomorrow we do it all again with my family. Whoo hoo more food!
A lot has been happening in our little world of late. Mitch has pretty much potty trained himself. About a week ago he said he wanted to start wearing undies. After a few little accidents he finally did his first wee on the potty and it was like a switch had gone off in his head. He hasn't been perfect since then and he still has a few issues with poos in the potty, but he's very good at telling mummy and daddy when he needs to wee and running to the potty, even if he isn't so good at pulling his pants down. Hopefully he'll graduate to a toilet seat so we don't have to take the potty everywhere with us! Also this week Mitch has decided that he doesn't want to sit in the high chair any more, so he is sitting in a grown up chair, boosted up by a thick towel. He also had his first sleep over at the Blair's house on the night of the engagement party. Finally, he gave his dummy to Santa in exchange for presents, so all in all it has been a big week of growing up for our little boy.
In other news we had an obstetrician's appointment on Tuesday and all is well. There are still two babies and and two heart beats. We have our official 19/20 week scan next week and we should find out if they are boys or girls or a boy and a girl. We are very excited. The doctor thought he could see a willy on one of the babies but he wasn't really sure, he doesn't have the best ultrasound machine in his offices.
Last Saturday was Krissy and Glen's Engagement party. Meeks made an amazing cake and heaps of amazing food. I'll put pictures from that in a separate blog entry. Next weekend is Michael and Lorraine's wedding so it is very busy week!
Anyway, Merry Christmas to all! Love Dave, Meeks, Mitch and plus 2