Over the weekend we decided to rearrange our lounge room to make two smaller living areas out of it. One is for grown ups and there is a play area for Mitch. This is partially driven by the need to give Mitch a bit of a play area and partially because we needed to rearrange the nursery too. The nursery was only big enough for two cots, if we took the arm chair out. So we put the arm chair in the corner of the new play area. It's quite nice sitting by the front window in the sun reading stories. Here is the new arrangement

Shaz and Phil have loaned us their cot, so now the boys room is somewhat crammed with two cots, a change table, a bookshelf and a cupboard. Big thank you to Phil and Shaz for that. The boys are just starting to get to big to be in a cot together. We quite often separate them now during the day by putting one on our bed so they don't wake each other up. It's not so much of an issue at night because they sleep reasonable well, but during the day there is lots more noise in the house, so they are more inclined to wake up.
In other news, Mitch had another successful swimming lesson again yesterday, so that seems to have sorted itself out which is a great relief.
Finally, our thanks to everyone who has, and continues to, cook meals for us. We greatly appreciate it. It is so busy at that time of the evening, not having to worry about cooking dinner as well is a great help. We have had a great variety of meals and have appreciated every one.