It has been a very difficult week.
It started last Sunday when I played golf with Michael and Glen and Mitch vomited when he came home from church and Meeks was stuck at home with a vomitting boy and tired 4 and a half month old twins. Fortunately Mitch was okay by that evening.
Monday and Tuesday were the calm before the storm. On Wednesday I started feeling nauseous. I spent all day on Wednesday feeling nauseous at work and then came home early because I had had enough and crashed in bed for a few hours which left Meeks to deal with three kids for dinner and baths etc. On Thursday I was at home sick and then Lucas got sick and spent all of Thursday being uncomfortable because of a very high temperature and then Friday (when I was back at work) he developed nasty rash which soon left spots all over his body. Meeks took him to the doctor on Friday afternoon and he said it was a virus. He had high temperatures and slept really badly Friday night. Saturday morning he was definitely on the improve and his temperature had finally started to come down. To add to our joy, on Friday night Mike and Mandy's car which was sitting out the front of our house was egged, Saturday morning the dishwasher broke (two adults, a three year old and two babies generate a lot of washing up) and we'll have to get someone out to fix it on Monday. Furthermore, on Saturday the Fire Brigade did hazard reduction burning near us which left the whole area blanketed in smoke which stayed over night so now everything stinks of smoke ... well it did, I'm not sure if it still does or if I've become so accustomed to it I don't notice it any more.
Anyhow, now it's Sunday and Sam has got whatever Lucas had, which is probably the same as what Mitch and I had but with different symptoms. If Lucas' experience was anything to go by, Sam will have a very tough night tonight and a bad day tomorrow and then things will hopefully improve on Tuesday. Finger's crossed.
So no pictures this weekend because the boys, though beautiful, are very spotty and not very photogenic. Despite the high temperatures they have generally been in good spirits, except when they have been trying to sleep
You may have noticed the person who has missed out being sick is Meeks ... at least she hasn't been sick so far. Pray for her and for the rest of us pleeeeeeaaassssee!
Okay, so I took some pictures of the smokey streets and red sun ...