Mitch playing kicks in the garden
I took some video of Mitch kicking a ball in the back yard today. He did it over and over and over again and wanted to see the video after each one. Here is a compilation:
I took some video of Mitch kicking a ball in the back yard today. He did it over and over and over again and wanted to see the video after each one. Here is a compilation:
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11:17 PM
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Just a little video of Lucas and Sam walking.
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2:51 PM
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We walked to Coonanbarra Park this morning our new "local" park. Mitch rode his bike and Sam and Lucas took a ride in the pram. Mitch played on the play equipment and Sam and Lucas had a little swing and then practised their walking. Here are a few shots.
Lucas first ...
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2:31 PM
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Well it has been a long time since I have posted anything. It has been a very busy time. Here are the headlines:
- We've all been sick multiple times
- Sam and Lucas have started walking
- We finalised the sale of our house and moved out
- We moved in to Nana and Poppy's house while they are over in the UK
- I went to my first AFL game and watched the Swans get trounced by the Cats
- Mitch officially doesn't have diabetes
There is the executive summary! Read on if you dare.
It feels like one or more or all of us have been sick for months. There has been colds and coughs and tonsillitis and ear infections. Just when it looks like we're all better it starts again. We're sick of being sick quite frankly!
Sam and Lucas have both started walking. They still crawl a lot especially when they want to get somewhere quickly, but are doing more and more walking. Lucas did it first and then Sam followed. Both of them are at a fairly similar standard now and are both able to stand up by themselves from flat ground. They are both still very wobbly and cute and have this look of wonder on their face when they do it. It is gorgeous to watch. I haven't really had a chance to take video of it. I think Meeks has but I haven't had a chance to pull it off the camera yet. They have both started saying a few things too which is very cute. They like to say things like "ta da!" when they do something clever or "uh oh!" when they knock something over. They also both like to say "Hi!" when someone walks in the room. Lucas also says, "p-boo" when he's playing peek-a-boo. I'm looking forward to hearing more of their cute little voices.
There were some last minute shenanigans on the sale of our house which caused us more stress than is already associated with selling a house. Basically we sent through to our Bank the form which said "Yes we're going to sell our house" and apparently we didn't fill it in properly. That was on May 26th. Rather than telling us or our Conveyancer about it and getting it fixed up quickly, they apparently did nothing. Last week, less than a week from settlement, when our Conveyancer tried to book them in for the settlement they decided to tell us it was filled out wrong and therefore the settlement couldn't go ahead. What followed was a flurry of phone calls and a number of outright lies on their part trying to cover their own incompetence, but ended in them pulling their finger out (actually I think our Conveyancer pulled it out for them) and getting the settlement completed on time. Our Conveyancer (Austates Convenyancing - ask for Mary) was brilliant throughout the process and was forceful and tenacious in kicking their sorry backsides. Anyway, we got there eventually.
We moved out of our old house and into Nana and Poppy's over the weekend and it was a long and arduous process. Our movers (Tae Guek) were also brilliant. They finished so fast it ended up costing about half what we had been quoted by other companies. Unfortunately that was only half the problem, there was still a lot of cleaning up to do at our old house and organising at Nana and Poppy's house. It was a big job deciding what we needed over the next 6 months and what we wouldn't. Things we didn't need went into Poppy's shed (which is chock full, I will have to take photos). The pile of things without a home is gradually decreasing in size and at the same time the house and shed are filling up further. I think a couple more days and it will be finished.
We are so grateful to Michael and Lorraine for letting us live in their house. We'll try to leave the house in as good condition as we found it.
The boys have had a few difficulties adjusting, Sam and Lucas are not going to sleep well, although it's difficult to tell if that is because they are unfamiliar with their new home or just because they are, as earlier mentioned, sick. Mitch has been okay going into a big, big bed, but he has been waking up due to a nasty cough.
On Saturday night, I used my birthday gift from Meeks which was a trip to Sydney Olympic Park to watch the Sydney Swans play Geelong. My friends James and Phil came along with me. James being a Swans supporter like myself and Phil being a die hard Geelong supporter meant whatever the result someone was going to leave happy - everyone had their money on Phil being the happy one. We had dinner before hand which was delicious, the seats were awesome and had a great view of the game, James had brought lollies and chips and we were all ready for a great game. Unfortunately the Swans got smashed. I can't remember the final score, but it could have been a lot worse if the Cats hadn't switched off in the last quarter. Hopefully I'll get to go again and actually see them win!
On Monday, Mitch had an appointment at the diabetes clinic at the hospital with a specialist and basically he doesn't have diabetes at this stage, which is a great relief to us. We had been told previously that he most likely didn't but there were still a few anomalies in his tests so there was some lingering doubt. Those have been cleared up which is a great relief.
So that is a big catch up. Annemieke has sent out a big email with her new email address and our new home address and phone number. If you didn't get it and want the details give us a call or leave a note on this post and we'll get it to you. We're changing our email addresses as we are no longer connected to Optusnet. That is inconvenient, but a fact of life. Our mobile numbers remain the same. It has been a very busy and stressful last month or so and we're glad we're almost out of it. We're looking forward to a slightly less stressful couple of months before we make some more decisions about what we're going to do when Nana and Poppy get home. With any luck the Sydney property will crash and we'll be able to buy our dream home in a good suburb!
PS: The next post will have more photos and less talking I promise!
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2:28 PM
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