More holiday news
Well the snow has now gone from the ground. It is very odd to see the grass in the backyard and in the streets. It's now become more like a normal English winter, that is damp, dark, foggy, and cold (not very cold though). I'm glad we got to see some snow and for the kids to have a chance to play in it. I suspect it will be something that Mitch, at least, remembers for a long time. For the little boys there are always the photos. I hope it doesn't snow again otherwise I suspect we will be stuck here judging by the inability of the English airports to handle a bit of snow.
Yesterday I got to do something that I had never done and that was meet an iStock friend in real life. For those of you who don't know, I sell photos through a site called iStock, and there is a thriving community of photographers from around the world who get together virtually and share tips and encouragement and general life stuff all the while competing against each other for sales. It is surprising how well we all get along! Anyway, yesterday I got to meet Jo, his fiancee Angelina, his mum Dee and Jo and Angelina's little boy Stephan who is a month younger than Sam and Lucas (also Jo's mum Dee was there). I've known Jo through iStock for a few years and we have quite a bit in common given the age of our boys so it was fun to actually meet him in person. I and the boys (Meeks was off in London having tea at the Ritz - more on that later) traveled down to East Sussex which was about an hour and a half long drive through some of the worst fog I had ever seen. We took some photos of the boys playing together (we are photographers after all!) in Jo's nursery "set" and then went back to his place for lunch. There are a few shots on Flickr, but I haven't had time to process the best ones. Many thanks to Jo and his family for their hospitality.
Yesterday Meeks, Krissy and Lorraine went into London yesterday for a girly shopping trip and tea at the Ritz. Apparently they all bought new boots and ate cakes, pastries and cucumber sandwiches :)
In other news, it feels like Sam and Lucas's talking has come along a lot while we have been over here. They are both trying lots of new words and becoming more confident with the words they have. They love their little cousin Hannah and are always saying "Hi!" and running up to touch her when they see her.
To has been a bit of a rest day and tomorrow we're off to see Uncle Jamie and Auntie Phaik in London. We're going to visit the Natural History Museum which has dinosaurs!
There's only a week to go which I'm sure will happen so quickly!