Friday, December 23, 2011

Early Christmas presents and a beautiful laughing girl

We had early Christmas dinner at Nana and Poppy's house last night. The boys were obviously very excited at getting some presents early. Sammy, amongst other things, got a tool kit. Lucas and Sam got buckets and spades. Mitch got a Lego city and he was very, very excited.

In the last picture Mitch is showing off his new "Spinning Electronic Lightsaber" which glows in the dark! Of course glowing in the dark means super cool glowing lightsaber photos!

Mitch was also sooooo excited about his new lego city as well, and when the boys went to bed today Mitch, Meeks and I started building it. It took a couple of hours

Meanwhile Sam and Lucas had a chat with Holly.
Holly is gorgeous and smiley at the moment.
She is not just smiling she is doing her first chuckle with Meeks here
What a beautiful little girl!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Gingerbread House Fun

The boys had some fun this morning decorating a Gingerbread House that Meeks had put together last night. The challenge would be sticking the lollies on to the house and not eating them.

We started with a bare house

 Then the boys started sticking lollies on
Holly watched on and cheered her brothers
The final product. They did manage to stick most of the lollies on, but if you look closely there is some evidence on their cheeks that not all the lollies made it on to the house.
Eating the left overs
Very cute!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Holly at 12 weeks

It's hard to believe Holly is now 12 weeks old. She is a delightful baby and we just love her so so so much. She's feeding well and sleeping well and is a really easy to manage baby most of the time. She loves cuddles and kisses and smiles a lot. She does this funny thing at the moment where she stares at her left hand in amazement for minutes at a time when she's lying in her bouncer - she's going to be so excited when she realises she has another one on the other side!

Anyway here are some photos of her from today with Meeks and I

Monday, December 05, 2011

Putting up the Christmas Tree

On Saturday we decided to put up the Christmas Tree. The boys were very excited and spent most of the effort getting the decorations out of the boxes. After a breakage of a precious decoration it was decided to restrict them to just the plastic ones.

They weren't great at putting the decoration on the tree, but they did their best.
Holly got into the act by being a little Christmas Tree:
Finally when we had all finished Mitch (with a little help from Dad) got to put the star on the top of the tree

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sam and Lucas on the swings

I took a few shots of Sam and Lucas on the swings that came out fairly well so I thought I would share them. Sam is in the green top, Lucas is in the blue.

A mixture of very cute and very fun!

Sorry for the lack of Holly photos recently she's been going through a very spotty phase! She's just coming out of it now, so there will be some new shots up soon.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Big boy beds

A couple of weekends ago we took the sides off Lucas and Sam's cots in preparation for moving them into big boy beds and today was the big day! They were very excited about it all with lots of jumping up and down (not on the beds of course!) and Mitchy got in on the excitement too.

Sam's bed is the red one

 Lucas has the blue one
This is what happens when you ask for a smile ...

Mitch didn't really miss out though. Sam and Lucas got hand-me-down mattresses from Mitch (one from his bed and one from the trundle bed we've never used) and Mitch got a new mattress.

Here are Sam and Lucas all tucked in after dinner and ready for bed
It is currently about 30 minutes after they went to bed and I think they have just nodded off (or maybe not I can still hear chatter). Normally it takes them no time at all to go to sleep, but I think the novelty of being in big bed and not have sleep suits on has kept them awake. Fingers crossed no one falls out tonight!