Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sleeping through

It's only taken 1 year, 11 months and 3 days, but last night Lucas and Sam both slept through the night without waking up. Up until last night either one or both of them (when one wakes up he normally wakes the other, but not all the time) would wake up one or more times during the night. Mitch was doing it at 11 weeks, but lets not go there. We hope it will become a regular thing, but I guess we'll have to wait an see.

Anyway, it is a significant milestone and we hope it becomes a habit!

New Home

Over the weekend we moved into our "new home". It is a great relief that we will finally be a bit more settled after moving 3 times in the last 9 months. We hope to be there for a long time.

There is still a fair bit of unpacking to do and we still have to move a few things from our old temporary place, but we are already settling in and the boys are getting used to their new rooms. There is also a playroom for the kids which we bought a separate TV/DVD unit for on the weekend so they can watch their shows and not have to sit in the grown-ups lounge room. The house has a huge backyard and a pool which is great except the previous owners had the creepy crawly thing in the pool turn on at 2:30am and everyonce in a while when it climbs up a wall it gets to the surface and makes a hideous slurping sound. The first time it happened it freaked us out. At 2:30 in the morning you don't want huge slurping noises outside your bedroom window!

We have also bought a second car. Unfortunately the new place is not within walking distance from a train station so I drive to the station each morning. We had been borrowing my brother Rob's car while he's been in the UK, but he is coming home for a holiday soon and a friend was selling her car for a good price, so the timing was good. So now we have a white 2000 Subaru Impreza RX AWD to add to the Territory. It is not an expensive or fancy car, but it's fun to drive and can take three car seats at a pinch. Given I only drive it about 10km a day, it doesn't need to be fancy or new!

Monday, March 14, 2011


A bunch of people already know, but to make it official, we're having another baby. Just one baby. Not two or three :)

Here's a picture ...

The due date is around the start of October. We were thinking it was the end of September, but this scan suggests the 2nd October as the due date. Given our past experience we're expecting the baby to come mid-September!

The baby is well and Meeks has been reasonably well but has had some bad days with morning sickness.

Mitch is very excited about the prospect of another baby brother or sister. Lucas and Sam like babies a lot, whenever they see one the go up and point to it and say "Baby! Baby!".

We're very pleased and relieved that it is only one!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday afternoon in the park

It was such a lovely Sunday afternoon that we decided to go to the park for a bit of fun. It's been ages since I took any pictures of the boys, so I thought I'd bring the camera along too. Here are a few photos of the afternoon

After playing in the park we visited Nanna and Poppy and played games in the backyard including hide and seek.
Mitch and Sam managed to put Poppy's back out play "Up High".

Tomorrow is a big day for us. Some of you will know why, others will have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

A new place to call home

After literally months of searching, yesterday we signed a leaseon a new place to call home. We've spent the last few months eagerly watching the new rental listings on and hoping a suitable house would come up. We've visited more than a dozen open houses, been horrified by many, been amazed by a few and confused by others and even got the point of sending in an application or two, all with no luck. We've already moved once into a short term lease rental in Hornsby, that has given us additional time to look, but has never really felt like anything more than temoporary accomodation. We didn't quite end up where we'd hoped to end up, but we've found a nice house for us to live in. It's not very beautiful to look at, but it has 5 bedrooms, a couple of living areas, decent kitchen and bathrooms and a huge backyard with a pool for our growing boys to play in and it is also a decent and reasonable price (which we couldn't say about a lot of other places).

It has been a very uncertain time and Mitch particularly has been quite noticeably unsettled by it all. He's normally such a relaxed, confident boy and that hasn't been the case these last few months. It has been difficult to watch and we can only hope this house and a more settled home will help rebuild his confidence.

We move in around the 26th March and once we're settled we hope life can get back to a more "normal" state.