Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sam and Lucas on the swings

I took a few shots of Sam and Lucas on the swings that came out fairly well so I thought I would share them. Sam is in the green top, Lucas is in the blue.

A mixture of very cute and very fun!

Sorry for the lack of Holly photos recently she's been going through a very spotty phase! She's just coming out of it now, so there will be some new shots up soon.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Big boy beds

A couple of weekends ago we took the sides off Lucas and Sam's cots in preparation for moving them into big boy beds and today was the big day! They were very excited about it all with lots of jumping up and down (not on the beds of course!) and Mitchy got in on the excitement too.

Sam's bed is the red one

 Lucas has the blue one
This is what happens when you ask for a smile ...

Mitch didn't really miss out though. Sam and Lucas got hand-me-down mattresses from Mitch (one from his bed and one from the trundle bed we've never used) and Mitch got a new mattress.

Here are Sam and Lucas all tucked in after dinner and ready for bed
It is currently about 30 minutes after they went to bed and I think they have just nodded off (or maybe not I can still hear chatter). Normally it takes them no time at all to go to sleep, but I think the novelty of being in big bed and not have sleep suits on has kept them awake. Fingers crossed no one falls out tonight!