Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Itchy, itchy, itchy!

Meeks is going through a bit of a nightmare at the moment with itchiness on her belly and palms and feet. She thought she was going mad but then found out it's quite common, there's even a web site!

Apparently it can be quite normal and could be caused by the body not handling the extra oestrogen in the blood. Alternatively it can be something quite nasty called Obstetric Choleostasis but that only occurs in 2% of pregnancies. It has something to do with pooling of bile salts in the liver (mmmm ... tasty) and can be quite serious for both the mum and the baby and will likely mean having the baby delivered early if it gets serious. Meeks had a blood test today to see if it is the nasty variety or just the common one. She should know by Friday. Either way, it is causing a lot of trouble especially at night and Meeks finds it very, very hard to sleep.

Last night we tried Phenergan (an antihistamine) but that didn't really work so about 11pm last night we were driving around trying to find a 24 hour chemist to buy some calamine lotion. You would think there would be one in Hornsby (or Pennant Hills or Epping). Not a chance! So we went home and Meeks suffered through the night only getting a couple of hours sleep. Not the way she would have wanted to spend her birthday!

Tonight, we're going to try an upped dose of Phenergan and calamine lotion.

Please pray that it's not the nasty one and that we can find a solution for the itchiness.

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