Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Sleeping through

The last couple of nights Mitch has slept through the night. What a delight! Monday night he slept from about 7pm until 6am. Tuesday night he slept from about 7:30pm until 5:30am. Meeks and I still woke up during the night both nights, but Mitch didn't. What a good boy! What a great way to celebrate your three month birthday. Bizarre to think he is 3 months old today, it has gone so fast.

Meeks had her last time at the parent's class yesterday. As Mitch is more than 12 weeks old, he has officially graduated from that group. Meeks will still be getting together with the ladies she has met for walks and they will form Mother's group type of thing once their babies are all more than 12 weeks. The other ladies baked and had a little party to celebrate Mitch's graduation. Meeks was very touched.

When Mitch graduated he was 6.4kg and 61cm. When he was born he was 3.78 kg and 50.5cm so he's done a lot of growing in 3 months. He looks much bigger than he did. I was looking at photos on the weekend of how little of his cot he took up when he was born. Admittedly back then he slept all wrapped up in a little bundle and now he sleeps flat on his back with his arms open wide.

I'll post some more photos in the next couple of days. They are both new and old from Meeks phone, some very cute ones on there!

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