Monday, July 09, 2007

Drawing and talking

When it's rainy outside, a little boy has to move his playing inside with his pencils.

Mitch is coming along really well with his talking. He says "Bah!" for a bath and his says "Ball" and bounces his big blue ball around. He also says "Duck" and "Star" and "car". He is very cute. He understands heaps more than he says. He has about 20 finger puppets and can pretty much identify all of the animals, for instance if you say "Where's your monkey?" he looks at his puppets for a while until he sees the right one and then his face lights up and he grabs it.

1 comment:

Howie said...

Your listening wrong, when he says ball or bath he is actually saying 'blog' infact mitch sent me an email the other day asking me if i could tell you ti let him type something himself on this blog.