Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Well another Christmas has come and gone, Merry Christmas to all.

We had a wonderful if busy day. Mitch is not quite at the age where he understands Christmas and indeed was a bit too much for him, he was overwhelmed at times. He received some wonderful gifts, so thank you all for everyone's generosity towards him.

Meeks, Mitch and I celebrated our second Christmas together as a little family. We got to go to church this year which was great, althought it meant an early morning. We actually had to wake Mitch up this morning to open presents. I dare say it will be the last time we have to do that for many years. After church we went and saw Nana and Poppy and then went off to Uncle Mike and Auntie Mandy's place for pre-lunch and then moved on to Ganny and Grand-Dad's for lunch and presents. Finally at the end of the day we popped in at James and Aly's. A very busy day!

We missed Auntie Krissy and Glen and Uncle Jamie and Phaik all in the UK. We hope you all have/had a great day.

I'll put up some photos when I get around to it, but's it's late now. Time to got to sleep!

Merry Christmas again.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Dinner

We had (Pre) Christmas dinner with Nana and Poppy this evening. As usual Nana cooked up a delicious turkey, ham and baked veges and we all ate ourselves silly.

Before dinner Mitch and Poppy had some time playing together.

Mitch tried some mince pies ...

... and played about in the back garden

Then we all had dinner together.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

A morning at the park

After all the wet weather we have been having lately, it was nice to finally have a sunny Saturday morning, so yesterday we went out to Coonanbarra Park in Wahroongah. Mitch had loads of fun in the sand pit.

And then moved on to the slide. He climbed up the ladder all by himself and then slid down without falling off.

Then he tried going up the wrong way.

In other news, I had my first photos to iStockPhoto accepted during the week. At the moment I have 12 images and there are another 11 waiting to be inspected. They're not what you'd call stunning images, especially the "Embarrassing situations series" (there is many more to come in this series), but it's aiming for a market rather than for beauty. No one has bought any yet, but I only have 12 photos out of more than 2.5 million in the collection. I just have to keep on shooting and uploading. Generally people don't start seeing regular sales until you have more than 100 photos in your portfolio.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Joshie's Pirate Party

Mitch went to Joshie's 3rd Birthday Pirate Party on Saturday. He got all dressed up in his pirate gear

Mitchy and Joshie gobbled up the fairy bread

Mitch first picked off and ate the tasty bits.

Then it was time for the birthday cake, an amazing Pirate ship made by Shazzy.

Mitch decided he wanted to change his headgear.

As a result of yesterday Mitch has learnt a new word, "Party!".

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


I got accepted to iStockPhoto, Yay!

My portfolio, when I get around to loading some pictures, will be here.
View My Portfolio

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Christmas starts early!

Well, December began with a removal of the hairy growth that had been crowding my chin, much to the relief of Meeks and Mitch (and me - I don't know how people put up with them). Many thanks to those who sponsored me.

On Saturday I got the tree Christmas tree down from in the roof and Meeks and I decorated it with all the plastic decorations (the special glass ones are in a bowl out of reach) while Mitch was asleep. When Mitch woke up we said, "We've got a surprise for you!". He ran down the hall and into the lounge and ran right past the tree! We said, "Over here Mitchy!" and he looked at us and then looked at the tree and then looked at us and well, generally was a bit underwhelmed. After a little bit he did get more interested and went up and touched the baubles. He pretty much touched every one he could reach. We have a rule, he can touch but he can't pull on them. He seems to understand, and just touches, at least while we're watching him. I suspect if we left him alone with the tree for any period of time we'd come back and he'd have plucked all the low hanging fruit, so to speak!

We tried to get a family photo in front of the tree this afternoon, but Mitch wasn't have a bar of it - admittedly he had just been woken up by me sneezing, which is enough to make anyone grumpy. We got a nice one of the tree though!