Sunday, December 16, 2007

A morning at the park

After all the wet weather we have been having lately, it was nice to finally have a sunny Saturday morning, so yesterday we went out to Coonanbarra Park in Wahroongah. Mitch had loads of fun in the sand pit.

And then moved on to the slide. He climbed up the ladder all by himself and then slid down without falling off.

Then he tried going up the wrong way.

In other news, I had my first photos to iStockPhoto accepted during the week. At the moment I have 12 images and there are another 11 waiting to be inspected. They're not what you'd call stunning images, especially the "Embarrassing situations series" (there is many more to come in this series), but it's aiming for a market rather than for beauty. No one has bought any yet, but I only have 12 photos out of more than 2.5 million in the collection. I just have to keep on shooting and uploading. Generally people don't start seeing regular sales until you have more than 100 photos in your portfolio.

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