Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday fun

Normally I have Wednesday's at home with Mitchy but we had a reshuffle this week so I'm at home on a Thursday. This morning Mitch and I went to the park next door and played for a while. We started off on the swings:

Then moved on up to playing on the fort.

Looking down the big slide.

It was a fun morning in the park!

Mitch is growing up so fast! His speaking is getting better and better and he's stringing two or three words together to make little sentences. Last night I was trying to encourage him to eat his dinner, but he wanted to give it to me and he said, "Daddy ... food ... mouth!" ... Cheeky monkey!

Tonight Meeks and I are going to see The Police (supported by Fergie) with Phil at ANZ Stadium (which used to be Telstra Stadium which used to be Stadium Australia!). It should be a great night.

In other news, my work is very much up in the air at the moment. At the end of last year CBA decided not to extend it's Application Development contract with EDS. That obviously impacts me, but it could work out well. CBA has apparently targeted me because I'm a Subject Matter Expert which is knowledge they want to retain. How exactly that will play out I'm not sure, but it may end up with the CBA or the new vendor offering me a position. Please pray for Meeks and I about it, because it's a bit stressful!

iStockPhoto is going slowly. I've sold a whole 14 photos now! Whoo hoo! Obviously it's not a viable alternative career yet!

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