More baby photos
Someone who shall remain nameless (let's just call her "Sharon" for the moment) has been hassling me to put more photos and news of the boys up. Normally I wouldn't bow to such pressure, but "just because it's Christmas" (extra points for the movie that quote comes from) ...
Lucas and Sam above. Just Lucas below.
Some news then. Well as many of you know we've been having a horrible time with various members of the family being sick. There's been coughs and colds and bronchitis and tonsillitis and conjunctivitis. Meeks has either been going to the doctor or taking one of the boys to the doctor every week for about the last 4 or 5 weeks. Hopefully we're coming out the other side of it now, although Mitch and Sam still are a bit crook. Mitch also has trouble hearing at the moment because of his cold. Hopefully it will clear up once he's healthy again, if not it's off to see a specialist I guess. Fingers crossed!
Lucas and Sam are now 7 months old and both weighing around 9kg. Sam has caught up a lot to Lucas and is only a couple of hundred grams behind. This is more due to Lucas slowing down than Sam speeding up though. While Lucas was sick he didn't eat too much.
In terms of progress. Lucas is now sitting up really well. He's not 100% stable, but mostly stays up. We leave a pillow behind him just in case. Sam is not so stable, but catching up. Sam however was much better at standing up than Lucas. He was able to lock his legs and stand supported much better than Lucas initially, although now Lucas has caught up. Neither of them can roll from front to back or vice versa, but Lucas moves around a bit when he's on his tummy, mostly swiveling from side to side.
Just yesterday, Sam started doing an extremely cute babbling noise, sort of a "baba mama da dada" type thing which he had never done before it is very cute.
And just to keep "Sharon" happy
i, for one, am thankful for your efforts to keep "Sharon" happy.
your boys weigh more than oscar now!
hope that your household is much healthier very soon.
See! Jenny, above, confirms that my opinion is accurate to the Clark Boy Fan Club. (Some people call me the "People's Princess" because I know the voice of the people). Gorgeous shots... and a festive touch as well - I'm well pleased!!
Mullet Man and the People's Princess. What a lovely couple!
lovely photos!! I love the black fabric over the bumbo seats - looks a bit like they are being swallowed! Those boys really are cuties!
Sad to hear you have all been unwell - hope it's a healthier time for you all now!!
is it Notting Hill?
Close ... it does have Hugh in it.
I think Lucas has mastered the "surprised/happy" expression quite effectively... it's become his very own "Blue Steel". Can't wait to meet them, not long now!
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