Monday, April 05, 2010

Snip, snip

The little boys hair was getting a bit too long at the side and the back and well ... they had Mullets. It's not a good look. Even on cute little boys. So we had a bit of snip, snip and while it was a bit rough, they don't look too bad! (Sam is in the green sleep suit)

Chewing the bar of the cot, yum, yum!

Mitch is pretty cute too!


jenny said...

love the cot chewing one :)

Anonymous said...

That's so funny coz Zac had a mullet and we couldn't stand it so he had his first hair cut yesterday too. We couldn't have him with a mullet on his birthday. Greg

Dave said...

Amusing coincidence. I have some pre-hair cut shots so I'll have to post them for comparison. The back was only just getting bad, but the hair at the ears was really bad. It looked like they had whispy ear-muffs.