Saturday, May 22, 2010


Well it's been a whirlwind week with a crazy last 24 hours.

We had a couple interested in the house after the first Open House last weekend. They came back on Monday night to see the house again. Meeks had a slow cooking curry on which filled the house with beautiful smells and we put the fairy lights on on the deck and well ... it must have done the trick because we spent the rest of the week negotiating with the buyers and agreed on a price yesterday which we were very happy with and I think was fair in the current market. We finally officially exchanged fairly late in the day last night (Friday).

It is a huge relief to us that it is all done and dusted. Only having to have the house on the market for a week is a huge blessing. Having to pack all the kids stuff away every time we had an Open House and clean up was quite tiring, mostly for Meeks admittedly.

Then as an added surprise this morning, we were sitting inside enjoying not having to worry about cleaning up for another Open House when we heard a huge bang outside. We ran out and found that a truck going past had caught the power wire going to a post next to our driveway which runs power to the house at the back. As the truck drove on it pulled the wire and snapped it and also pulled down the pole and the pole crashed onto our fence and broke it. The truck disappeared off up the road oblivious to the chaos behind it. Anyway, after visits by the police and power company, the outcome is that we have a broken fence and the people at the back have no power until they get someone in to fix the post. They're not home and she's very pregnant, so they could even be at the hospital. I'd hate to come home to that.

1 comment:

Mich and Georgie said...

YAY! That's great news (and glad the fence got broken after you sold and not before!)