Friday, October 28, 2005

12 week check up

Yesterday morning we had our 12 week (well 11 and a bit weeks really) checkup and all was normal. We couldn't see that much on the ultrasound although you could see enough to know what was going on. The head was apparently normal sized and the baby had little arms and legs etc - I swear the baby waved at one point! It wriggle around a bit too which was pretty bizarre to watch.

We were both relieved to see the baby was doing well. Meeks occasionally feels like a bit of a fraud because she is so asymptomatic. Aside from tiredness she hasn't really had any other changes. Tiredness is hardly new though. She has always been one of the world's great sleepers - able to sleep anywhere, anytime.

On a slightly related note, they showed a caesarian on RPA last night. I used to be pretty squeamish about watching operations, but seem to have got over it. It was amazing to watch the doctor pulling this baby out of this woman. We may or may not have to go with a caesarian depending on a number of factors related to Meeks' diabetes, but I think, for me anyway, it will help to have watched this show.

So all is going well!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Busy weekend

We had a busy weekend with our first pregnancy class on Saturday morning followed by dinner with Tim and Chels and James and Aly (and Maddie and Andrew) and lunch at Mitch and Sally's new house and finishing with Church on last night. We were exhausted afterwards!

The Early pregnancy class was informative and helpful. It was good to find out about how the whole hospital thing works etc. I'm sure most first parents go into it having no clue like us. Even though James and Aly had Maddie and Andrew there, from our experience of visiting afterwards, you don't know about all the stuff that goes on beforehand.

We are going to visit Dr Smith, the obstetrician again this week and will get to see more of what the baby looks like. At 7 weeks the only recognisable parts were a flickering heartbeat (which we were thrilled and relieved to see) and a little bump thing we were assured was an arm. Given the baby was only 1.37 cm long, it is a bit hard to expect anything too defined. Apparently the baby will be about the size of a matchbox this time and have recognisable little arms and legs and head etc.

On a different note, I lead at church on Sunday night. I'm always a bit nervous when doing that, but the congregation responded well and seemed to get a lot out of it so I was very encouraged. I might be imagining it, but it seems after Joseph from Uganda visited us and lead Ugandan style, the congregation as a whole has been a bit more willing to be involved in the service. Maybe his words about how we get excited at a sporting event, but don't get excited at church have stirred us up a bit. We also sang my song, I Thank the Lord, and people seemed to like it which was encouraging to me personally.

Anyway, that's enough for now, I'll write something again after the visit to the Doctor on Thursday.

Monday, October 17, 2005

First post!

If you don't already know, We are having a baby!

We are about 10 weeks along and the baby is due in May next year. The current due date is the 15th, but Meeks will probably be induced early because of her diabetes. She is doing well, and has had little nausea, but extreme fatigue - so pray she has the energy to keep going!

For those of you who have been praying for us, thank you, this is a real gift from God. Please continue praying for us though!
