Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Holly Kate Clark 1 year old

Twelve months ago on a special Spring day at a very early hour of the morning Holly Kate came into our lives. She was precious and beautiful. After a shaky start with jaundice she has enriched all our lives in a way that we could not have expected. She is always full of smiles even when she's sick (which has happened a lot) and she loves to play and cuddle and is just a delight to be around. Her brothers adore her and she adores them. Her parents love her to bits and I fear I will never be able to say no to her, "What's that Holly? You want a car? Of course I'll go and buy it for you now!".

Anyway, the last few days have been a bit of a first birthday festival and here is a series of shots over a number of days. If you can't see the slideshow click this link to see the photos or just follow the link on the right of this page to our Flickr page.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Father's Day

I always consider myself blessed to have such a beautiful wife and healthy wonderful children, but today is a special day. We started the day (after a sleep in) with pancakes (yum!) followed by intensive lego with the boys

Then it was into the backyard for soccer, rolls (where we roll the ball to each other) and then trampoline
After that there was a picnic in the backyard, more playing and time in the sandpit


Then off to visit the grandparents

I am a lucky man.