Monday, October 23, 2006

Half birthday

On the 19th last week was Mitch's half birthday so we went to the park and had a picnic at Coonanbarra Park under our favourite tree. It's funny we have been having picnics in that park under that same tree since Mitch was only 10 days old.
The first time we went Mitch pretty much slept the whole time. Now he is so much more interactive. Not quite crawling but happy to be on his belly looking around ...

Or on his back having a laugh ...

He's such a little delight! We can't believe he's 6 months old!

In other news the bathroom reno is coming along, mostly on track. There have been a number of hurdles to get over which have increased the scope of the job and increased the stress on Meeks and I, but I wont bore you with the details. Needless to say it's amazing what you learn when you have to. Thanks to Aly, Michael and Lorraine, Andrew G (not the TV/Radio "Host" with the girly hair), Ann and Peter for their help. Do we wish we hadn't started? Well the concrete we found which was falling apart and the shonky job that had been done before said we had no choice. Would we do it again by ourselves? Only if we couldn't afford it, I think every part of me hurts.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Weekly news

Well it's offically all go on the bathroom renovation front. Here is the hopeful schedule:
10th - Vanity and bath arrive
19th - Skip bin arrives
20th - 22nd Move out, demolish bathroom & prepare floor
23rd - Waterproofing
26th - Bath installed & painting
27th - 28th Painting & tiling
30th - Toilet and vanity installed
31st - Move back in

Of course that might all go horribly wrong if we pull up the existing tiles and find something has gone wrong underneath, or for any manner of other problems. Whatever happens we'll take progress photos to remember it all by. On Saturday we went and looked at tiles, tiles and more tiles and vanities and baths and toilets and taps and mixers. We've decided on tiles and paint colours and we have bought a vanity and bath (Meeks had already picked the vanity and bath). We have to do some more measurements before we can buy a toilet. Taps and stuff we will do either this week or next weekend. It's all a big adventure!

In other news Mitch has reached the point where we were happy to turn the car seat around so he can face the front and see where he is going. He was pretty pleased with the change as you can see:

Weekends are fun, especially playing with Mitch on the big bed. Here's a slightly blurry but very cute picture - you can even see his little teeth although they're a bit blurry. He's wearing his little French outfit from the Norringtons:

As you can see he is lifting up his head well when he's on his belly. Sometimes he tries to to get into a crawling position by pulling his legs up and sticking his bum in the air. Unfortunately that pitches his face down into the ground. He hasn't quite got the arms and the legs working in tandem. He's doing reasonably well at his sitting as well, he still easily over balances, mostly forward. As he's falling forward he sticks one hand out to balance himself, so he can play with whatever is in front of him, then he tips over to the side. It all kind of happens in slow motion though, so it's funny to watch.

The only other bit of news is that he was a bit sooky and dribbly and had ruddy cheeks and was sick a few times on the weekend, which apparently all all signs of further teething - either that or he's a bit sick. Nothing bad though so I'm sure it will settle down soon or we'll see some new teeth poking through.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Assorted photos

Just few more photos!

This is Mitch playing on his change table in the sun with his ted. Very cute!

When Meeks and I went to Tim and Chelsea's wedding Mitch and his cousin Lilly got to play together. Lilly is a few months older than Mitch so she can sit up by herself. Mitch is beginning to be able to sit up, but he tips over in one direction or another sooner or later especially if he reaches for anything.

Mitch is starting to eat solids, although he doesn't love them as this photo shows! He eats "yoghurt and fruit" which has yoghurt, apple and pear and "orange vege mix" which has carrot, pumpkin and sweet potato and "green vege mix" which has peas, brocolli and zucchini. He's not mad about the veges, but eats them and he likes the yoghurt and fruit.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Grand Final Weekend

Given that it was the weekend of both the AFL and NRL Grand Finals Mitch decided it was time he learn how to master the TV remote control.

Hmmm ... it doesn't seem to work this way ...

... I'm pretty sure the batteries are okay ...

It soon became clear, it wasn't quite as easy to master as Daddy made it seem.
... maybe if I use my mouth ...

As Mitch sank into the cushions on the couch he cursed the new fangled technology. The irony of course being that in a few years he'll be the one showing Mummy and Daddy how to do it.

We just had a three day weekend, which was a great time to spend together as a little family. It just made going back to work today that much harder. Fortunately I have the whole week off, the week after next.

Mitch performed his first roll from back to belly yesterday. Only Meeks saw it. I was replacing a lightbulb and Meeks just happened to be walking past when he did it. Apparently it wasn't very graceful or coordinated. He sort of bent his back and swung his legs over and momentum carried him over. Of course we clapped and congratulated him. He wandered what all the fuss was about, and after realising that he couldn't reach whatever he was looking for on his belly, rolled back onto his back!

In other news, some of the tiles in the shower recess are cracked and the grout is falling out and there is some leakage through the hob onto the floor of the bathroom (and goodness knows where else), so we have the fun and no doubt expensive decision of what to do about that. As with many of the "jobs" done by the previous owners, some of the work is fairly shoddy so we might have to go with a more complete job than a quick repair effort. Also being our only bathroom, it will mean temporarily relocating while it is done.