Thursday, November 24, 2005

Doctor's visit

We had another visit to the obstetrician this morning. All is well. We didn't have an ultrasound, but did get to listen to the baby's heartbeat which was very cool. We have an ultrasound just before Christmas which will be the 19 week ultrasound at which we will be able to see all sorts of things, so we're looking forward to that. We aren't going to find out the baby's sex - we're happy to be surprised - we just want the little one to be healthy.

Monday, November 21, 2005

U2 is coming to Sydney

Not really pregnancy related, but almost as important (perhaps more so in Meeks' eyes), is that U2 will be in Sydney at the end of March. The only listed date is 31st March with Tickets going on sale 5th December. So if you know anyone who knows anyone who can get us tickets (seated tickets, after all Meeks will be 7 and a half months pregnant) then call us!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

More good news

We found out on the weekend that our friends, Jacqui and Chris, are having a baby too. This is such an awesome answer to prayer for them and an encouragement to us to be faithful in prayer. Jac is due 2 weeks before Meeks and they are both being born at the same hospital with the same doctor. That means if Jac is a week late (which is not unusual for first babies) and Meeks is a week early (which is certainly a possibility with her diabetes) they will be in hospital at the same time! It will make visiting easier for our friends.

Meeks is now just into the 2nd trimester which hopefully means the tiredness will start to be less of a problem. Aside from that all, is well.