Saturday, January 28, 2006

Meeks' belly

When we got pregnant we had this plan to take pictures of Meeks belly all the way along so we could see it growing, etc. Obviously that hasn't happened, however, we did take a photo today, so here it is!

We're 25 weeks on Monday, so only 15 weeks to go yay!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Ante-Natal Classes and other news

We started our ante-natal classes last night at the hospital. First up was a brief discourse on the phases of labour or "The Mechanisms of Labour" as it is more correctly called. No videos yet, but apparently we have 3 further weeks of classes on labour, so there is plenty of time for that yet. The more I learn about the process, the more I'm glad I'm not a woman and the more guilty I feel for putting Meeks through it all! I hope the little baby realises what mum has to go through to bring him or her into the world ... I realise that of course that is not likely for a number of years ... probably until it is an adult itself.

After the labour classes there is a few more on parenting. So washing, feeding, nursing, etc.

For me, the classes are valuable because they are opportunity an to learn what is going to go on during labour. I think knowing a bit of what is going on will help me not to freak out when the time comes and not stress about it in the lead up.

In other news, Meeks has had some discomfort while sleeping and occasional cramps which is no good, but the baby is doing well and kicking around more frequently. She is 23 and a bit weeks now.

We have to buy curtains for the nursery and Spotlight was having a sale. We worked out it takes less time to get to Spotlight West Gosford (35 minutes) than it does to get to Dee Why (40 minutes) so we had a bit of a drive up the coast Sunday morning. Unfortunately Spotlight Gosford didn't have much in the way of the curtains we were looking for. We'll try Ikea when we go and get the cot etc which we are buying from there.

Meeks' Mum and Michael get back from several weeks overseas today. They have been to London, Prague, Austria, New York and skiing somewhere in Utah (from memory). It will be good to see them again.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Great mysteries of the world

Why is that when the baby is giving Mum's insides a working over by doing the Riverdance, as soon as Dad puts his hand on the "dancefloor" he or she stops?