Monday, February 19, 2007

Busy weekend ...

Mitch and Daddy were at home alone (aside from Nana and Poppy popping in briefly) because Mummy went to a Women's Retreat with our church for the day. We had a fun day of male bonding and playing.
Mitch after his lunch complete with smeared vegemite.

Mitch shortly before going to bed. He had an afternoon sleep so was still full of energy before bedtime. (A prize for someone who can work out what time this photo was taken based on the background - leave your guess in the comments section)

On Sunday we had a Mother's Group picnic down at Bobbin Head. It was a chance for the men to all meet each other and was a lovely day. The children were mostly well behaved, although now that they can all pretty much crawl, even a "play area" of about 8 blankets couldn't hold them. Fortunately there were plenty of adults to keep our eyes on the 8 of them. I don't have any photos of that with me ... maybe later in the week.

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