Friday, February 09, 2007

Going to work in the morning

It's hard to go to work when Mitchy is standing at the window saying goodbye. He is just so cute and watches all the way down the street until he can't see you any more.

In other news Mitch's vocabulary is improving all the time. This morning he definitely said "ma-ma-ma" although again it wasn't really directed anywhere. Meeks is obviously pleased about that after hearing nothing but "da-da-da" for the last couple of weeks. He also likes to say 'ssssssss' and makes this very cute "pop-pop-pop" sound with his lips, like blowing a kiss.

For those of you who like photos we have set up a Flickr site here. It's not so much a newsy site it's just somewhere to put photos I really like of Mitch or anything else that comes up. There's not much on there now, just a couple of older photos, but if I find any other ones that are worthy I'll put them on.

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