Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
This weekend is Mitchy's belated 3rd Birthday party. We're praying for good weather because the idea of having 17 kids and their parents in our house is a bit mind boggling. The Council has unknowingly been helpful and mowed the grass in the park today which is very helpful because it was getting quite long.
For the party I decided to put together a couple of collages of pictures of Mitch's 3rd year.
If that isn't enough pictures for everyone out there I don't know what is! Click on either image for a bigger version.
Mitch went to Ready Steady Go today and loved it. He was a really good boy and participated and listened and had fun. The difference this week was that I stayed home with the twins and just Meeks and Mitch went. I don't quite know what that means, but I know I'm sad that I miss out on seeing him enjoy himself, but at the same time I'm really glad he had a great time.
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8:09 PM
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Monday, May 25, 2009
Lucas and Sam - 4 weeks old
Two 4 week old boys - Sam and Lucas
Lucas and Sam are now 4 weeks old. It's hard to believe it is 4 weeks ago they were born. The last 4 weeks has gone so fast for us.
Both boys are growing well ... very well in fact. We weighed them today and Lucas is up to 4.8kg and Sam is 4.2 kg. So Lucas has put on abut 800g since he was born and Sam has put on 1 kg. Lucas is out of size 0000 and well into 000 and he has even moved up to the next sized nappy. Sam is still in the smallest nappy and 0000 clothes.
Both boys are still mostly sleeping well, although as I type they are both awake at the moment when they should be asleep. At the moment Lucas is always hungry and Sam sleeps the most. Which is a bit of a change because when they were born Lucas slept the most - Lucas has always been the hungry one though.
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8:57 PM
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Monday, May 18, 2009
The niggle has begun between Sam and Lucas. It's not hard to tell who started this one!
Okay so it didn't quite happen like that, but it is very cute :)
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8:33 PM
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Thursday, May 14, 2009
Tummy time
The community nurse visited yesterday to look at the boys and weigh them and make sure they're growing etc. Both boys have regained their birth weight and then some. Lucas is up to 4040g and Sam is 3560g - so Sam is catching up to Lucas! Looking at the two of them though, it is still clear that Lucas is the bigger boy.
It is getting harder to tell them apart purely by size now unless they're lying next to each other when it's fairly obvious
Admittedly Lucas' legs are straight so it does make him look bigger.
One of the concerns about Sam was that he is developing a bit of a flat spot on his head from lying on one side of his head. As such it makes tummy time even more important. Both boys really like tummy time. Sam can sort of lift his head up and turn from side to side. Lucas turns from side to side too, but sort of smears his nose across his face in the process because he can't lift his head off the ground.
Here is a couple more photos.
Mitch has "Ready, Steady, Go" on Thursday mornings. It is a little organised sports activity class he does at Thornleigh. Each week he does a different sport. I'd love to take photos but it is one of those things with heaps of kids running around where it wouldn't be good to pull out a camera. Last week instead of laying soccer he moped around and didn't participate, and didn't listen to his teachers and just looked like the most unhappy boy in the world. This week he was heaps better. He was playing hockey and he listened and did what he was told and participated really well. Meeks and I were so proud of him. He is getting better and better with his brothers as well. He's not perfect about it but is learning to "share" mummy and daddy. He is gentle when he tries to be and enjoys being helpful. Here he is playing with the boys as they had tummy time.
Meeks and I are settling in to a rhythm with feeds and things and feel somewhat on top of it all at the moment, but are still tired most of the time. It helps immensely that the boys sleep a lot and both of us being at home helps too. Thanks to all the people who have cooked for us, we greatly appreciate it. It will of course all change when I go back to work, but that wont be for a few more weeks fortunately.
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11:12 PM
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
New car!
After the debacle a couple of weeks ago the new car arrived today. There was a bit of a false start this morning when the release handle on the third row of seats broke while the salesman was demonstrating it and the seat couldn't be folded down. But that was fixed and the car was delivered this afternoon. I'll have to take some photos tomorrow while it's still new and shiny.
Updated with photos ...
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5:37 PM
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Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
Today was Meeks' first Mother's Day as a mother of three. Here she is with her three boys.
We met up with both sets of grand parents at Nana's house. One advantage of having twins is that both grand mothers have one to cuddle and have a feed with.
There is even one little boy for Poppy to play with.
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11:14 PM
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Saturday, May 09, 2009
Bad habits
Did you hear the one about the Mexican fire fighter who had twin boys? He called his first son Hosea and his second son Hose-B.
If you've seen much of us over the past few months I've probably already told you that joke, so just groan and move on. Along with Hosea and Hose-B we had a number of other pet names for Lucas and Sam when they were still inside Meeks. These included Horace and Boris or Brian and Ryan and a few other ones. As it turns out Hosea and Hose-B were the closest to being accurate.
Both boys have a bad habit of weeing when you take their nappies off. Mitch only ever weed on me once. Both Lucas and Sam are making a bit of a habit of it. Sam even managed to do it twice in one session. I pulled his nappy off and as I was getting the new one ready, he weed. I managed to catch it in the nappy, so got another one out and was about to put it on and he weed again! Both are particularly prone to it when having a bath. You'll be washing them and all of a sudden the bath briefly becomes an active water feature complete with fountain.
Speaking of the bath, both boys love the bath. They look so relaxed when they're lying on their back with their little eyes open looking around. In fact, during their bath is when they're most likely to have their eyes open. I'll get some photos at some stage but it is kind of difficult to bath them and take photos at the same time!
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7:08 PM
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Friday, May 08, 2009
A morning in the park
We had a play in the park with the Smarts this morning. It was a beautiful morning and Mitch and Lachie had lots of fun playing together.
Then Mitchy took Lachie off to show him where the lady beetles live
Then back to the mat for some snacks. Lucas and Sam were sleeping (just for a change).
Then the boys headed up to the play gym and played on the slide.
All in all, beautiful morning in the park.
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7:31 PM
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Thursday, May 07, 2009
Two little boys at home in bed
Lucas and Sam are sharing a cot at the moment. They're very cute, sleeping next to each other.
They also like to sleep on the floor
You may have noticed something. They sleep a lot, which is great. No complaints from Mummy or Daddy.
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5:11 PM
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New banner
Now that Meeks and the boys are home it's time to bring the banner at the top of the page up to date with the new family. It's hard to believe we are now a family of 5! Here are the old banners for reference.
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Sunday, May 03, 2009
Coming Home
Meeks, Lucas and Sam came home from hospital this morning. Just as we were putting on their "going home" outfits, Lucas did a huge wet poo that he had been saving up for a few days. Here are their going home outfits. Then into their capsules
The borrowed Volvo got us home safely despite the attempts of a number of crazy Sunday drivers. At home Nana and Poppy were waiting. Nana finally got her first cuddle after being sick during the week.
Mitch got to play with the boys too. He introduced them to his cars.
We gave them their first "at home" bath and then had a bit of a photo opportunity. Sam
The boys are continuing to be a delight. They are sleeping very well and need to be woken up to feed. They are feeding fairly well, but not wonderfully. One of the things that Meeks really wanted to do when she got home was to jump on the scales and see how much weight she had lost. In a Biggest Loser exclusive we will reveal the most amazing weight loss ever that will change the competition for ever! Meeks lost an amazing 20kg in a week. Rather than following a strict exercise regime and diet. She pretty much lay around whenever possible and ate three meals a day .... oh and she had two whopping baby boys :)
Another slideshow. Just Sam .. he had his eyes open and was closest to the camera!
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8:17 PM
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Friday, May 01, 2009
Day 4 - News and pictures
Here we are on day 4 or 5 ... it's all become a bit of a blur already. The boys are doing great. They are continuing to feed well both attaching reasonably well and sucking for about 20-30 minutes. Lucas is a better feeder than Sam, and as such will continue to maintain his weight lead on his little brother. When they're not feeding they pretty much sleep, sleep and sleep. That is just great as far as we are concerned. It's hard not to compare them to Mitchy at the same stage. He did the sleeping thing extremely well, but he didn't do the feeding thing nearly as well as either Lucas or Sam. Both boys are a little bit jaundiced, but nothing that needs to be addressed at this time.
Meeks is doing very well, her blood tests show that her blood count is improving but she will still probably need to stay an extra day in the hospital. As such we probably wont be home until Sunday.
Meeks' Mum came in today to see the boys. She has been sick with a cold so she still hasn't had a chance to cuddle them. There will be plenty of time for that later, but right now she is missing it a lot. My Mum and Dad dropped in today as well and had a cuddle with the boys.
Also a couple of the little boys snuggling up together.
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6:05 PM
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