Bad habits
Did you hear the one about the Mexican fire fighter who had twin boys? He called his first son Hosea and his second son Hose-B.
If you've seen much of us over the past few months I've probably already told you that joke, so just groan and move on. Along with Hosea and Hose-B we had a number of other pet names for Lucas and Sam when they were still inside Meeks. These included Horace and Boris or Brian and Ryan and a few other ones. As it turns out Hosea and Hose-B were the closest to being accurate.
Both boys have a bad habit of weeing when you take their nappies off. Mitch only ever weed on me once. Both Lucas and Sam are making a bit of a habit of it. Sam even managed to do it twice in one session. I pulled his nappy off and as I was getting the new one ready, he weed. I managed to catch it in the nappy, so got another one out and was about to put it on and he weed again! Both are particularly prone to it when having a bath. You'll be washing them and all of a sudden the bath briefly becomes an active water feature complete with fountain.
Speaking of the bath, both boys love the bath. They look so relaxed when they're lying on their back with their little eyes open looking around. In fact, during their bath is when they're most likely to have their eyes open. I'll get some photos at some stage but it is kind of difficult to bath them and take photos at the same time!
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