Tummy time
The community nurse visited yesterday to look at the boys and weigh them and make sure they're growing etc. Both boys have regained their birth weight and then some. Lucas is up to 4040g and Sam is 3560g - so Sam is catching up to Lucas! Looking at the two of them though, it is still clear that Lucas is the bigger boy.
It is getting harder to tell them apart purely by size now unless they're lying next to each other when it's fairly obvious
Admittedly Lucas' legs are straight so it does make him look bigger.
One of the concerns about Sam was that he is developing a bit of a flat spot on his head from lying on one side of his head. As such it makes tummy time even more important. Both boys really like tummy time. Sam can sort of lift his head up and turn from side to side. Lucas turns from side to side too, but sort of smears his nose across his face in the process because he can't lift his head off the ground.
Here is a couple more photos.
Mitch has "Ready, Steady, Go" on Thursday mornings. It is a little organised sports activity class he does at Thornleigh. Each week he does a different sport. I'd love to take photos but it is one of those things with heaps of kids running around where it wouldn't be good to pull out a camera. Last week instead of laying soccer he moped around and didn't participate, and didn't listen to his teachers and just looked like the most unhappy boy in the world. This week he was heaps better. He was playing hockey and he listened and did what he was told and participated really well. Meeks and I were so proud of him. He is getting better and better with his brothers as well. He's not perfect about it but is learning to "share" mummy and daddy. He is gentle when he tries to be and enjoys being helpful. Here he is playing with the boys as they had tummy time.
Meeks and I are settling in to a rhythm with feeds and things and feel somewhat on top of it all at the moment, but are still tired most of the time. It helps immensely that the boys sleep a lot and both of us being at home helps too. Thanks to all the people who have cooked for us, we greatly appreciate it. It will of course all change when I go back to work, but that wont be for a few more weeks fortunately.
Dave these photos of Mitch and the boys are gorgeous! So glad he's starting to settle into having brothers - it's a big adjustment for a little man!
babies = cute.
Also just noticed there is a turtle on their rug.
turtles = cool
You have very sharp eyes Howie.
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