Wednesday, June 30, 2010


A lot has happened recently and I have been very slack in making Blog posts.

On Sunday we had a Dedication at church for Mitch, Lucas and Sam. A Dedication is when we, as their parents, stand up in front of our church community and introduce our children to them and thank God for them and essentially dedicate them and ourselves to God, stating our intent to bring them up to know Jesus. It gives the church community an opportunity to pray for us and our kids and for us to thank them for their prayers and ongoing support of us. Neil, the Senior pastor, prayed over the boys with the congregation. Normally it's done one child at a time and before they're one, but we were a little slow in deciding to do it so we did all three of the boys at once.

The Dedication was part of the church service, so after the service had finished we had a little party at Lorraine and Michael's house (which is where we will be living in a little over a month). I didn't get any photos of the dedication (I was up the front, so it was a bit hard). I took quite a lot of photos at the party though. Here is a selection:

Created with flickr slideshow from softsea.

Meeks made a beautiful cake which you can see in the photos. It is still being eaten :)

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