No photos today. I took some over the weekend, but haven't really had a chance to process them yet. I just thought I'd give a little progress update with the boys. Youngest to oldest!
Sam is now able to stand up by himself. He can't go from sitting to standing, but if you help him up, or he helps himself up on a chair he can stand up. He can't walk yet, so he sort of stands there looking cute until he wants to go somewhere at which point he lowers himself down and crawls off. It looks like he wants to walk, but can't quite get his feet moving yet. Sam and Mitch like to play this game called "Hello under there!" where Sam gets into the Downward-Facing Dog yoga position and Mitch peeks in underneath and says "Hello under there!" which makes Sam laugh and he crawls off to somewhere else and does it again. The game continues until Mitch or Sam or both get bored of it. Sam has a nasty cold at the moment and lots of snot. It doesn't help his sleeping and as a result, neither Meeks or I are getting very good sleep.
Lucas can't do the standing up thing yet, but he is a born climber. He climbs up on the to the arm chair, which Mitch wasn't able to do until he was a bit older. He also climbs up onto Mitch's little table by climbing up onto one of the chairs. He either then sits on the table looking very proud of himself, but not really knowing what to do next or climbs from the table onto the couch. He can't get down from any of those places other than head first in a hurry. Not good. Yesterday we went to a park in Berowra and he climbed the stairs of the play gym and went down the slippery dip, fairly slowly face first. Not the safest way to do it, but he had fun! Lucas also has a cold and isn't sleeping well either.
Mitch is going well. He loves playing little lego (as well as big lego which Sam and Lucas play with). Little lego is just the right size for Sam and Lucas to try and swallow, as as a result Mitch has to play with the little lego in his room with the door shut. On the weekend Mitch and I made a little lego town, complete with police station and a tire shop, tall street light with antenna and a couple of other buildings (I have some photos for later) and the next day we made an office complete with workers sitting at desks with computers on them, filing cabinets, printer area and a break out room with a microwave, and fridge and table (no photos though). Mitch also makes the most fabulously creative cars with wheels all over the place. Mitch is currently healthy which is great! We're trying to move him towards not needing a nappy at night time. He has a dry nappy a few night's a week, but he's still not getting himself up to go to the toilet at night. At the moment he goes to the toilet before bed and I get him up at around 10:30pm when I go to bed. If I leave it to much later he does a wee in his nappy, but once he does one at 10:30 he seems to be dry until the morning. We might try and go without this weekend and see what happens!
Anyway, that is all the news for now!
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