Wednesday, March 08, 2006

30 Week Ultrasound

We had our 30 week ultrasound this morning. All looks well and the baby appears normal. The baby looks like it has chubby cheeks, and it had it's leg up near it's head - very flexible! The lady doing the ultrasound said the baby was larger than average (which Meeks was obviously thrilled about - not!) but aside from that all was well.

In other news, Meeks is having some back pain and some stomach pain and occasionally difficulty sleeping which is all no good, but it seems this is part of being pregnant. She has cut down to 4 days a week at work and is currently due to finish on the 30th March (only 14 "work" days to go!). She may get told by the obstetrician to stop earlier if the back pain etc keep up which she'll be terribly disappointed about (again ... not) if that happens! Fortunately, she has some sick leave stored up so that should be okay.

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