Saturday, April 22, 2006

More photos

Mitch looking with his open eyes

Mitch's first test ... a hearing test which he passed with flying colours.

A couple of Mitch and his mum

Here he is lying on Dad's lap and checking out the world ... isn't he just the cutest!

Day three.
Mitch continues to amaze us, we love him so much. He is becoming a bit more attentive and opens his eyes and there has been a bit of looking at mummy and daddy. He had his first bath today which didn't go so well. Daddy was a bit stressed and he cried almost the whole time, except when he was floating on his tummy. Or perhaps he cried because Daddy was stressed or perhaps Daddy was stressed so he cried. I dunno, hopefully next time will be better.
He had a couple of good feeds today which is great. The Lactation Consultant (very helpful lady names Gabrielle) rigged up this device with a formula bottle aroudn meeks' neck and tiny tubes and sticky tape and all sorts of other things, kind of hard to explain. Hopefully Meeks' milk witll come through tomorrow and she wont need it too much longer. Speaking of Meeks she is doing much better again. She is moving around much better although she still has some nasty pain and needs medication every few hours. She will get better and better as the days go by.

Tomorrow we have a settling class which we will need in the days ahead. We haven't needed it too much yet, he's been pretty sleepy so far, but as his hunger grows, he will be more restless.

Thanks again for your prayers, keep praying for Mitch for feeding, and Meeks for feeding and pain and Dave as he drives back and forth.

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