Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Smiley boy photos

Finally we were able to get some photos of Mitch smiling. Admittedly we cheated a bit and videoed him andthen took the photos from the video, but he's still soooooo cute!

In other news Mitch weighed in at a hefty 6.1 kg in clothes today at the mother's group. We were a bit concerned about him losing weight, because he hasn't been too into his food the last few days. Obviously he knew he was over weight and was trying to cut back, mummy and daddy don't know anything!

Mitch had his rotavirus vaccine today. It's a new vaccine that has only just come out. It isn't covered by the PBS yet, but after hearing from various people how sick little people can get with rotavirus we decided to bear the expense and get him vaccinated. Hopefully it save him the distress and us the worry of him getting it later.

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