Thursday, September 14, 2006

Another chopper

Mitch actually slept in until 7:30 this morning which was great for mummy and daddy. I was checking his bottom gum this morning to see how his tooth was going and well, now one tooth has become two teeth and he's a much happier little boy. Yesterday he was still not feeding properly though, only drinking half his formula for most feeds which is a bit of a worry. Hopefully that improves today now that both teeth are through. The doctor yesterday suggested making sure he drinks water to keep his fluids up and we have started trying him a few "solids" like rice cereal. He's not thrilled by them and most of it gets pushed out again by his tongue. One of the things the doctor suggested was trying a different brand of formula just for a different taste. I guess if you had to eat the same thing 5 times a day every day for 5 months, you'd probably get sick of it too!

Mitch had more shots yesterday and his second lot of immunisation for rotovirus with is taken orally. So he has bruises on his chunky little legs, poor little boy. Apparently he looked surprised and then bawled with the doctor injected him. Then he was just recovering and they had to do the other leg and he bawled all over again. As Meeks was walking out he did manage to give the doctor a smile though to say, "I forgive you"

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