Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Smiley boy x3

Mitch was smiling again this morning. We tried valiantly to take a picture but couldn't get the timing right. Then we tried the video camera and he became more interested in that and forgot to smile. Give it a few more days. He'll get there!

He slept really well last night. He fed at 7pm and then after a big play went to sleep at about 8:30 and stayed asleep until about 2am, then he fed and watched the soccer with Daddy (woe unto the socceroos - okay I've seen softer penalties given and I've seen harsher ones denied) and went back to bed about 3:30 (after Daddy had to clean him up when a poo escaped the nappy). Then he slept until about 7:30 this morning. Mummy didn't know herself after getting most of 10 hours sleep.

New toys

After a few dramas the Dishwasher and hotwater heater were put in and connected yesterday.

The dishwasher needs some carpentry done to make the cupboard fit it properly. I hope my skills are up to it! I just have to reattach the door on the left and put in a little shelf thing. I think I can manage that. It's kind of sad to be so excited about a dishwasher, but after 2 years of washing dishes, we were both pretty sick of it. Especially if you're entertaining. You get to the end of the night and think, "Oh no! Now I have an hour of washing up to do!" either that or you leave it until the morning ... no one wants to wake up to that!

The hotwater heater is super. Apparently they delivered the wrong one, it was bigger than the one we wanted. So anyway, now we're never going to run out of hotwater! It was so nice in the shower this morning having full pressure hotwater, old one used to dribble out. Add to that it has a temperature throttling valve thing which means it never gets hot enough to scald. This is great news with Mitch.

The other toy is my new backpack which I got for my birthday. It's a Booq laptop bag. The idea being that next year when Meeks goes back to work, I will be working from home one day a week and transporting my laptop will be easier. Add to that my brief case was falling apart anyway. The backpack is very cool. Here is a link to the web site. They take their backpacks very seriously!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Smiley Boy x2

At about 5:30 on Sunday morning Mitch smiled at me. I had just finished feeding him and was watching the World Cup and Mitchy gave me this little smile. It was so cute. I cried. It was a beautiful moment :) He did it a couple more times which made his Daddy very happy (and cry some more). We haven't managed to catch him smiling on camera yet, but when we do I'll post it. It is by far the cutest thing he has done. He's been becoming more and more alert and attentive to the world around him. He tracks things that move past him and he looks at some of his toys when they make noise and things, so he's gradually learning to interact with things.

On Friday night he slept from about 8:30pm until 4:30am his longest sleep ever. Meeks and I both woke up about 4am and said, "What's the time? Did you get up and feed him?". It's horrible, but our first thought was, "Is he alright? Has he stopped breathing?". Obviously he hadn't and soon woke up needing a feed. Saturday night he slept for about 6 hours which was great too. Last night he only had about a 5 hours sleep. Hopefully the long sleep wasn't a "fluke" and he'll start sleeping a bit longer in the night.

Meeks is putting together an album of photos of Mitch. Obviously it will be a work in progress as he grows. It looks pretty good so far though.

In other news, I went back to the eye doctor today and was given the all clear on my retina which is great news.

Also today we are getting dishwasher installed, finally, to our great relief. When we bought the house 2 years ago, a dishwasher was one of the top things on our list of things to do. Unfortunately the kitchen has very narrow benches so fitting a dishwasher was going to be difficult. Added to that we'd have to sacrifice a cupboard which were also a precious commodity. Then there was the cost factor. We'll we solved a one problem by getting a new hotwater system which meant removing the indoor one and getting an outdoor one. That meant more cupboard space in the laundry where the old one was. Also we decided we'd just have to live with a dishwasher poking out too far. Hopefully, It will all be finished by the time I get home this evening. If not, maybe the next day. It looks like a big job. There's rerouting of pipes and installing of new pipes and all that sort of stuff.

Anyway, that's all the news for now. Thanks for reading!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Smiley boy

Mitch smiled at Meeks this morning. Daddy wasn't there to see it, but Meeks was very happy. Mitch has developed a liking to sleeping on the couch, which is not great for his sleeping habits, but it's pretty cute anyway!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Mitch has his shots

Mitch had his first round of immunization shots today. The poor little guy. Meeks took him up to the doctor who did the unenviable task. Meeks came home probably more traumatised than Mitch. Poor Meekie! Needless to say we're expecting an "unsettled" night.

Before going to the doctor, Meeks and Mitch went to mother's group and Mitch had a weigh in. He's up over 5kg now in clothes. He'll have an official weigh in at the paediatrician on Thursday before he gets to catch his first train. Meeks and Mitch are coming in to town to have lunch with me because it's my birthday. Yes indeed I will be an old man on Thursday ... well older anyway.

On a different note, how good was Australia winning the soccer last night! It's not often you find me wide awake at 1am in the morning on a work night ... even more unusual was Meeks watching too. Mitch would have been watching but he was asleep ... at least he was until one of us got a little excited at the events unfolding in Germany.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

A new name

So I have been a bit lazy in adding Mitch to the name of this blog. So now the blog is Dave&Meeks&Mitch@Home. Same address, just a new name. We still haven't updated our answering machine message, only because we've forgotten how to. I'm sure the instructions are somewhere ...

Monday, June 05, 2006

Sleepy feet

Mitch was having a little nap on the couch

and his little feet were exposed and they were so cute we thought we had to take a photo.

The little man is doing really well. He's growing nicely and this week we are trying him in the sleeping bag rather than all bound up and we are also trying to get him to put himself to sleep. He's doing really well at both ... well so far today anyway. The sleeping bag is good because when he was swaddled he'd get his arms free and either whack himself in the face or get cold arms or both and it would wake him up. He should be old enough now to put himself to sleep and as much as we like cuddling him, and as hard as it is to hear him cry, we know it is better for all of us if he learns to put himself to sleep. Today it's been okay and he cries on and off for 20 minutes and then goes to sleep.

Tomorrow mum is much busier with parent's group and a visit to the Smart's to see Aly and Maddie and Andrew and then we're going to hear a guest speaker at the church in the night. Hopefully all that wont make him over-tired, although mum and dad probably will be.