Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What's been happening

A few bits and pieces happened last week.

Meeks and I were struck down with a very unpleasant gastro bug which had me off work Monday and Tuesday and Meeks feeling crook Tuesday and Wednesday. We were very worried Mitch would get it and have to go through the unpleasantness, but somehow he managed to avoid it. Then Nana came down with last Friday! Very nasty business.

On the weekend we ran a Garage/Moving Sale at Nana and Poppy's house. Nana was still sick and Poppy was overseas so it was just Meeks and I. A bunch of small bits and pieces sold, but most of the furniture didn't get bought, despite the bargain prices. So now they're on sale on our ebay. Hopefully someone will snap up the furniture. Someone has already bought a couch that was for sale.

On Sunday morning we had a big combined service for our church. The 8:30am, 10:30am and 6pm services were all combined in one big service in a hall at Abbotsleigh. It was a really good day and there was lunch on the oval afterwards which was really nice, it helped that the weather was fantastic. Mitch took the opportunity to run around on the oval with his shoes off and do some exploring. By the time we were ready to go home he was exhausted and fell asleep in the car on the 5 minute drive home.

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