Thursday, May 28, 2009


This weekend is Mitchy's belated 3rd Birthday party. We're praying for good weather because the idea of having 17 kids and their parents in our house is a bit mind boggling. The Council has unknowingly been helpful and mowed the grass in the park today which is very helpful because it was getting quite long.

For the party I decided to put together a couple of collages of pictures of Mitch's 3rd year.
If that isn't enough pictures for everyone out there I don't know what is! Click on either image for a bigger version.

Mitch went to Ready Steady Go today and loved it. He was a really good boy and participated and listened and had fun. The difference this week was that I stayed home with the twins and just Meeks and Mitch went. I don't quite know what that means, but I know I'm sad that I miss out on seeing him enjoy himself, but at the same time I'm really glad he had a great time.

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