Sunday, December 19, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Well here we are in the very cold and snowy UK. We're staying in a little village called Lightwater which is in Surrey (which is South West of London). If you're wondering what it looks like, imagine the village from any English comedy or drama from the 70s and 80s (e.g. Some Mother's do have 'Em) and you wont be far wrong. I'll post some photos of the village a bit later, it's very cute especially in the snow.

Let's take a couple of steps back though. We left on Wednesday afternoon Sydney time and the trip was 24+ hours of hell. Mitch was great, but the little boys hardly slept (It didn't help when the airline left the lights on on the plane all the way to Singapore where we arrived at the equivalent of 12:30am Sydney time) and when they weren't sleeping they were whining and crying and writhing and ... well Lucas vomited on me on the descent into Singapore. We arrived in London very early (5am) on Thursday morning. There were issues with the gantry which meant it took ages to get off the plane and we got off last because it would have been impossible to get all our bags and things with people queuing up behind us ... which unfortunately meant we were last in the queue for Customs. We were incredibly fortunate that a Customs lady took pity on us and we were jumped almost to the front of the queue, then it took ages for our bags to come out during which time the kids were crying again. Eventually we made it out of the airport only to find we had to take a bus to the car rental place then our type of car wasn't there so we had to get a different one and then spent ages figuring out how to fit the car seats then finally drove to the exit gate only to find we had picked up the wrong car (there were three cars of the same model sitting next to each other with number plates that only differed by one letter) so we drove back in, moved all the luggage and refitted the car seats and eventually got on the road to Lightwater.

Okay enough about the trip here. I don't want to think about it again ... ever ... or we might not be able to get on the plane to come home!

So back to the snow. It snowed a bit yesterday evening and had a big dump this morning which is when we got the shots below. Mitch had a ball playing in it and the little boys were adorable in their little all in one outfits.Sam was in the blue and Lucas was in the red.

 Mitch cops a snowball

It's great to be here and we're looking forward to our time here very much. A huge thanks to Krissy and Glenn for putting up with us all!

I should add there are a bunch more photos on our Flickr page. The link is on the right of this page or follow this link to a slideshow

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Love the photo and caption for Mitch and the snowball :)