Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Back in hospital

Holly (and Meeks) are back in hospital for another night of the blue light jaundice treatment (for Holly, not Meeks). We had noticed Holly getting more and more yellow/orange and lethargic over the last couple of days despite feeding well, so we rang the hospital and they advised bringing her back in for another treatment. Meeks will be staying in over night with her to allow her to feed. Apparently going back in for a second dose of treatment isn't too unusual and sometimes babies even have to come back in for three treatments. It will also be a good chance, hopefully, for Meeks to get some rest as well, although the stress of not being at home sort of counters that. I'm at home with the three boys which will no doubt be challenging :) All three actually slept through last night, so fingers crossed that happens again, or it could be tired, cranky Daddy tomorrow.


Jenny said...

How did the night go? Are Holly and Meeks back home now? Hope that's the last treatment she needs. And you can all settle in properly.

Meeks said...

Hi Jenny, Meeks here. I came home this morning and Dave is on his way back to the hospital to collect Holly who is hopefully all better. We have to return Saturday morning for another blood test to make sure she's rid of the jaundice.

jenny said...

Hope that the test on Saturday shows the all clear!