Holly's first bath and other photos
Before we get to the cute bath photos it's worth making a few comments about how things are going. Meeks is doing really well, so much better than previous births. She has had almost no nausea and no vomiting which is great. When Mitch was born she was sick for the first 24 hours and couldn't sit up without vomiting, so that has been a huge blessing. With the twins she had very significant bleeding to the extent she needed a blood transfusion and was pretty out of it for the first couple of days.This time she has had nothing like that and as a result was well enough to have her various tubes removed this morning and was able to have a shower and walk around a bit. The ability to have a shower may not sound like much, but it is a huge thing for her.
Holly is also doing really well, she has been released from special care and is back in the room with Meeks. Today she cried quite a bit and didn't feed terribly well. Hopefully that will improve when Meeks' milk comes in which should happen in the next day or so. We had to do our first nappy change today and anyone who knows about those first few nappy changes, it's not pleasant (Google "meconium" if you're wondering why). We have also decided changing nappies on boys is easier than on girls.
Lucas and Sam came in to see Meeks and Holly today as Mitch had preschool. They are very excited about having a little sister and are constantly wanting to touch her and kiss her and poke her and jump all over Daddy and Holly while she is having a cuddle. After a while though, they do get a bit bored. Fortunately, what to the average person is a very ordinary view:

with the shots of Mitch here and Lucas and Sam here.
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