Thursday, July 05, 2007

Stuffed up and just stuffed

Meeks and Mitch are both sick at the moment. Mitch has a very snotty nose and Meeks has a nasty cough and a stuffed up head. I haven't caught it yet, but it's only a matter of time I'm sure, Mitch has coughed in my face more than enough times. He doesn't understand hygiene yet.

In other news the car is stuffed AGAIN. Same problem again. It is so frustrating I just want it to be fixed. Fortunately we can borrow Meeks' mum's car as they have a spare with Krissy's car.

And no comments about how we should have bought a Subaru. You know who I'm talking to.


Anonymous said...

we are all here looking at your ice blocking pictures wanting to know more details on where to purchase and where to slide ???

Dave&Meeks said...

Here are the details. We got our ice from:

Fiegert's Ice Works Pty Ltd
55 Salisbury Rd Asquith 2077
02) 9477 2011

And we got the $2.50 blocks.

We went to Golden Jubilee Fields, Esk Street, North Wahroonga (at the very end of the road).

I hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

mysterious anon post!

ice blocking is good fun indeed.

make sure you use old towels!