Thursday, November 01, 2007

Messy painting

Mitch did some painting with Meeks the other day and managed to make a big mess, but he had lots of fun!

In other Mitch related news, he has learnt to jump ... well kind of. He did it for the first time on Friday night when the Smart's were over, but was so surprised he fell over backwards. Now he just runs around saying "Shump! Shump!" and kind of jumping, but not really. There is a lot of enthusiasm and a fair amount of arm waving and a little bit of knee bending, but not a lot of air. White boy can't jump, I'm afraid.

Mitch has been a bit off colour the last few days. He's been off his food and a bit clingy and a bit sooky. We're not quite sure what the story is. He had his 18 month shots on Monday so that might be it, but he doesn't look sick or have a temperature or anything. Hopefully he'll perk up soon. Poor little guy!

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