Thursday, July 23, 2009


When Lucas and Sam were inside Meeks they had different placentae and different sacs. This indicated they probably weren't identical, but it was still possible. The number of placentae and sacs is determined by how early the egg splits. When they came out they looked very similar, so we decided to get a DNA test done just to confirm whether or not they were identical or fraternal, all the time expecting that they were going to be fraternal, because fraternal twins run in Meeks' family whereas identical are essential flukes.

We got the result back today and much to our surprise, they are identical twins. Identical twins are apparently just 3 in 1000 pregnancies as opposed to about 30 in 1000 for fraternal twins, so they just got 10 times more special - not that the degree of "specialness" has changed in our eyes! In fact male identical twins are the least common form of twins.

A couple of shots - who is who?


Michelle said...

that's cool!

Howie said...

top photo Lucas is left
bottom photo lucas is right

jenny said...

that's really interesting! go boys!

i hope you have no problems telling them apart yourselves!

my vote is lucas in the blue. both times.

Dave&Meeks said...

Both wrong!
In the top photo Lucas is in the blue
In the bottom photo, Sam is in the blue.

How to tell? Lucas normally has a bit of a goopy left eye. That can be a bit of a give away, but can be difficult because sometimes Sam gets it.

Sam has a little red blood blister below his left ear. You can just see it in the top shot. In the bottom shot you can't see it, but there are other shots in the series where you can see it.

The easiest way is to pick them up. Sam is noticeably lighter than Lucas ... but that doesn't help you looking at photos.

In reply to Jenny's comment, yes we do get them mixed up. Especially at 4am in the morning when it's dark and you're half asleep. The only thing that makes you know which baby you have is by working out which cot he was in when you got him up!